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In Zusammenarbeit mit CaringBridge

Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Auriel Lavalla

Spende geschützt
Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place.  We are helping our coworker, Auriel, that is going to be out of work for some time. Auriel is back in the hospital for a third time in a month.  She became septic after abdominal surgery.  At this time, she has a picc line for IV antibiotics and is scheduled to have a fistula repair.  There is the possibility that she will have a colostomy.  Auriel has been out of work at least a month with no return date in the near future.  Please help us help her and her family.   We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting.


  • Josh Meltzer
    • $150
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Angela Aicardi Young
Punta Gorda, FL
Auriel Lavalla

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt