Tabitha Nye
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Welcome to our CaringBridge website. We are using it to keep family and friends updated in one place. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement. Thank you for visiting. Tabitha's journey began two years ago. She was five and moving up to the board in school, therefore; we took her to eye doctor where our whole world turned upside down. The eye doctor found swelling behind her eyes and immediately sent us to get a ct done. Before getting back to the eye doctors office their were on the phone with her pediatrician. We learned that day Tabitha will need emergency surgery to relieve the extra fluid and pressure building up on her brain. Before meeting the neurosurgeon she was booked for surgery. Once meeting the surgeon she was admitted to the hospital to have a third ventriculostomy the next day. During her mri the morning of, they were able to see a tumor on and around her brainstem. Unable to biospy the tumor during this surgery it remained untouched for almost two years. After surgery she began a long road to recovery to regain what she lost. With that in mind she started Physical and occupational therapy right away. They have been watching her tumor by getting new scans every 3 months waiting on tumor growth to make surgery a little safer for her. During her 2 years of waiting she still had a lot going on. She went back in for two more surgeries one is when they placed a vp shunt. She also gained a whole team of doctors which included neurology, oncology, Ophthalmology, a rehabilitation doctor just to name a few. All while making weekly trips to keep up with her pt and ot. But all good things much come to an end, we noticed a change in her behaviors and her medications did not seem to be working as well, so calling her doctors we moved up her mri date and on January 4th we learned that her tumor has indeed began to grow. Its time for the real journey to begin... We will be packing her up heading back down to nationwide childrens hospital for an extended stay, while leaving her brother behind while her next surgery to take place. They will remove some of her tumor so we can get a biospy and begin treatment for what is left behind. The goal of this site is threefold: to keep those who care about Tabitha up to date on her progress; allow us an opportunity to reach out to loved ones with our own thoughts and updates; and to allow those who follow to show Tabitha and her family their love and support over the upcoming months.
Melinda Nye
Madison, OH