Commemorating Anne Widholms life.
Donation protected
Most of you know of the brutal beating of 75 year old Sara “Anne” Widholm which took place on the Ganatchio trail in October, 2017. In December 2018, Anne succumbed to her injuries. This story has affected many of us including myself. I attended the memorial service for Anne and spoke to the family afterward. I needed their permission to create a commemorative area along the Ganatchio trail in memory of their Mother and Father(Alfred) who passed away four months after Anne was assaulted.
The family liked the idea and was humbled at the fact this could be done.
With their permission I am now forging ahead to create a space in memory of this beautiful couple. My plan is to select an area along the Ganatchio trail that would provide a sense of peace for those who want to linger. This space would include a bench on a cement foundation, a tree of the families choice, a perennial garden around the tree, a commemorative plaque at the base of the tree and a plaque on the back of the bench. We may also be able to put a flood light and possibly a call box in the area(these last two ideas haven’t yet been confirmed). And of course we can’t forget a garbage can(Anne walked the trail keeping it clean along the way).
The total cost of this project is approximately $7,000.00. So far, half the project is paid for;
3,500.00 still needs
to be collected. Any monies we don’t use will be given to Ann and Alfreds
Church toward the benevolent fund.
If you are able to, your kind act of giving will be very much appreciative.
Renee Rupert
Windsor, ON