Throat Cancer
A few months ago I noticed something wrong with my throat. It felt like it was swollen. Hard to swollow and choking. To make a long story short I had no choice but to go to the hospital becouse it was getting hard to breath. I found out that I have stage 4 throat canser. I now have a trake in my neck so I can breath. I think there going to do do surgery then radiation and chemo. My problem is I'm preety much alone with no help. My health insurance is going to run out next month, My car is about to be repod, car insurance is almost up ect... And I cant work to pay for any of it. This is my last resort. Believe me. I did'nt want to do this but I can't think of any other way. I'm down 25 pounds and week. I don't know how I'm going to pay for meds. or anything else. If anyone can help It would really be a life saver.
Thank you and I'm sorry,
Dave stewart.