American Preaching Adventure
My name's Alby.
Some of you who know me will also know that I will be joining Mick Wrotniack and Michael Fallen on a preaching trip to America.
We're really excited to have this opportunity to open up the word with our friends in America.
Sadly, the Australian dollar isn't doing well. To make sure I can get around and pay for accommodation for myself, my wife and toddler I've decided to make an appeal to supportive folks.
I'd rather not simply beg for the money though. So to prove I'm worthy to make this trip and worthy of your support, I plan to take the Memphis BBQ Pit "Wings of infinite pain" challenge!
If supporters pledge over $500, I'll "train" for the event by ordering 4 of the Insanity Wings and eating them at home (you can't purchase more than 4 without signing a waiver). If we raise over $1000 I will take the "Insanity Wing Challenge" - eating 10 wings within 5 minutes.
These wings have a scoville rating of 1400000!
So pledge your dollars. Watch me suffer. Help the word reach the lost nation of America!