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Christians in the Mirror Film

Tax deductible

What is Christians in the Mirror about?

Hundreds of millions of Christians are prevented from practicing their beliefs or demonstrating their faith openly for fear of retaliation or oppression. Those who are not persecuted, killed or put in jail, are often ostracized from jobs and unable to provide the basic necessities to support their families’ needs. As Christians and witnesses of these atrocities, we believe their stories deserve to be told.

This is their story and therefore the story of all Christians. " If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it."(1 Corinthians 12:26)

Christians in the Mirror strives to raise awareness of the discrimination and hardship faced by Christians in places like the Middle East and Africa, and to awaken the churches of the West to actively help the body of Christ. 

What is your role?  How can you be a part of Christians in the Mirror? 

The documentary is almost complete, but we need your help to finish telling the story and release the film.

We need your support to shed light on the suffering and desperate circumstances of persecuted Christians. Christians in the Mirror will show how political and sectarian instability lead to people of faith becoming the prey of violent radicals and will engage viewers in ways to help.  As individuals and as free people we need to step up and step out to help those less fortunate especially those who are persecuted for their faith.

As St. Paul said, “As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good to all men, especially to them who are of the household of faith.” (Gal: 6:10)

How will your money be spent?

Our goal is to release Christians in the Mirror by July or August 2018, but to do that, we need funding to complete filming and editing for the Tampa Bay shoot and begin promotion of the documentary around the United States. The quicker we can finish the film; the sooner we can release it and increase help to those suffering persecution for their faith. 

How will we say thank you?

To demonstrate our thankfulness for your faithful support of God’s work through this film, we’ve curated a few gestures of thanks just for supporters like you. 

·         $5              A note thanking you for your support

·         $15           A copy of the film to share with your friends and family

·         $35           A copy of the film signed by the director.

·         $50           Invitation to be an extra during filming in the Tampa Bay area (as well as signed copy of the filmed signed by the director) [Limit of 20  Available]

·         $100         Your name, or the name of a family member or friend you wish to honor, will appear as a supporter in the credits (as well as signed copy of the film signed by the director and Invitation to be an extra during filming in the Tampa Bay area.) [Limit 20 Available]

   ·         $250         Invitation for you and a guest to the premiere screening in the Tampa Bay area (as well as signed copy of the film signed by the director. Your name, or the name of a family member or friend you wish to honor, will appear as a supporter in the credits and an Invitation to be an extra during filming in the Tampa Bay area) [Limit of 10 Available]

·         $1,000      Screening at your church, business, or organization including Q&A with leaders involved with the film



We have raised over $70,000 so far to make our mission of shining a light on Persecuted Christians around the world a reality. Please help us finish this part of the  documentary, so people and churches around the world can help the Persecuted. Thank you for your generosity and prayers. To stay updated on Christians in the Mirror and to share with your friends, follow us on social media and sign-up for our email list at






Patrick R Carberry
Valrico, FL
Joshuacord Inc

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