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I was told today by the Code Enforcement Agent that in order for me to keep Wilbur in my home that I need to appeal my violation in front of the Board of Adjustment, I also found out that it is going to cost me 1200.00 to file the applicaiton. If anyone knows this is that Wilbur is a family member and we have had him since he was 3 weeks old, he is now 2 years old it will kill me to get rid of him. He is house trained and a very good house pet. During the last tornando that we had here in Oklahoma City in 2013, we loaded him up in the back of our truck and took him with us, he is 220lbs, so it was a bit of a challenge, but we managed to load him and get him to saftey, we were able to get him to a safe place and he stayed in my friends dad's house in the bathroom until everything calmed down. Now with our storm shelter in place we plan on getting him down there if there is another tornado, so if you can understand how much we love him and how much we care about him, he is not just a pig but a special family member to us. We will do anything to keep him with us, he is microchipped and has his rabies shots and all his shots. I also have him tattoed on my arm. Please please please help me raise the money to file this application so that I can keep him, he is an Emotional Service Animal, the inspector verified that he is an ESA animal but his is not budging on letting me have him, he told me I have to find a new home for him until the Board of Adjustments says yes or no, so I have to spend 1200.00 plus 200.00 for the ticket the code enforcement agent is giving me then I have to go before a panel to see if they will give me a variance to keep him. I will promise you that I have total turst in the lord and pray that I win this appeal. If you can open your hearts to helping me raise this money to help me keep Wilbur, my family will be forever in your debt. Please share this with your family and friends and any news stations to help me on this situation. Please pray for our family and for Wilbur for him to stay with us in our home. He is not causing anyone any harm and is a inside pet pig he has his own room and is house trained. Please open your heart and helps us save Wilbur.
Karen Hernandez
Oklahoma City, OK