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Hygiene Kits For Homeless Women

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My name is Afra Khan.I am a 4th year medical student at Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago,IL .  As a community service project, my friend & I have decided to work on creating hygiene kits for the homeless and extremely low-income women of Chicago.  It is stated that, poor personal hygiene can lead to medical problems, prevent job opportunities, influence access to services, contribute to low self-esteem.  The funds raised will be used to purchase the necessary items needed for each kit. The kits will be composed of the following items: sanitary products (pads), feminine cleaning wipes, deodorant,face lotion, body soap, pocket tissues, first aid kits, hand sanitizer, body spray, toothpaste & toothpaste,towels, socks & gloves, some snacks, and gallon size ziploc bags. The cost of each kit will be approximately $10.00. My friends & family will be helping me put together the kits on the 22nd of February, anytime before that the funds would be greatly appreciated so we can purchase all the items needed. Zayna Siddiqi, one of my 4th year classmates at FSM will be the beneficiary for this incentive.She will be using the funds raised to purchase the necessary items needed for this project. For transparency concerns, she will be posting the receipts after every purchase.   Please help me raise enough money to create hygiene kits for 150 women. The kits will be donated either to a women's shelter or will be distributed directly to homeless women by me and my friends personally. Extra funds will be used to purchase other urgently needed items for shelters.  Good hygiene is good health. On behalf of the homeless and extremely low-income women in Chicago, thank you!


Marya Mohammad
Chicago, IL

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