Almost Home - Our NEXT Chapter
For the last ten years our shelter as lovingly welcomed hundreds of orphans from the community.
We have healed them physically and emotionally...
We have taken care of some for years until the right family came.
Our staff and volunteers have celebrated together, cried together but most of all -- worked beautifully together.
After ten years, we are being forced to close our doors. As the orphans will now to go two different shelters -- one being a county facility. Both shelters are already overwhelmed and we would like to get our current orphans into homes so they don't have to make the transition.
We have a few months to adopt out about 90 cats and 50 dogs. We still need FINANCIAL help to care for them - their care is our NUMBER ONE priority.
Please help us continue to treat these beautiful orphans with the best medical care possible, warm beds, full tummies and good health!