Warm houses for rescued dogs
Suruluna is a very special place for rescued dogs.
In fact Suruluna was created to help some of those dogs that nobody else could help and has been very successful in rehoming dogs who had been for long time in other institutions and lost any hope.
Suruluna is a rescue organization that provides training, rehabilitation and can become a forever home for dogs who have no other place to go.
We now need warmer houses- customized sheds before the cold winter arrives. The requests for dogs who need a special place rapidly increased and we need some new housing to be able to accept more dogs at risk. We have dogs who arrived in terrible shape phisically and mentally and we have helped them to be healthy, beautiful and joyful.
We have seen older dogs now acting as happy puppies, fearful dogs who have learned to trust human beings again, and lonely ones who have opened their hearts to love and human attentions.
Suruluna and the forgotten dogs who arrive here need your support to build a warm and safe place for the cold season. We now need a few insulated, heated sheds that can house two dogs each in two separate areas. The idea of a quieter living space and a less stressful environment made us choose this solution and we are seeing huge improvements with these dogs.
Empathy, respect and compassion for the animals and our philosophy that Every Life is Sacred make our vision possible!
Share and donate for this project and helping us to save another life and you will become part of this vision!