URGENT!! Give Life!
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I'm trying to raise money for my incredible friend Angel Martos. She has beat Cancer but now is plagued with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD).
What are the causes of ESRD?
ESRD is when the kidneys stop working well enough for you to live without dialysis or a transplant. This kind of kidney failure is permanent. It cannot be fixed. If you have ESRD, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live.
Angel spends every waking moment at the dialysis center getting get blood cleaned just to survive on a daily. Without it she will die.
Unfortunately she's at the point ale is now on the Kidney Transplant List and will die is she doesn't get one soon. (This is NO JOKE) She's living on borrowed time..
If you would like to get tested to see if you can help get live that would be AWESOME. Contact her via Facebook and she'll give you that info. It would be greatly appreciated.
Angel has been such an inspiration to me since the day I met her. As a cancer survivor, facing this illness she has shown nothing but strength, grace, and a positive attitude..
She's one brave woman who has touched my soul. She truly has made me look at life in a totally light. She has shared her journey with the Facebook world, and has done so gracefully. I admire her fight, courage, strength, and faith in God.
Angel has children. As you know after battling cancer, and now ERSD is I'm sure is draining to her financial situation. Insurance only pays so much.
Also in the event the worst happens, I would like to try and lessen the financial strain on her family, and most importantly have money for the childrens needs.
It was hard for me as adult to lose my mother, I couldn't imagine what her children are going thru..
If you have one ounce of compassion in your being, I beg of you to please donate even if it's a little bit. It all adds up.. It will be greatly appreciated!
REMEMBER.... If you were in her shoes you'd wanna be saved, you wouldn't wanna leave your kids behind... Get checked save a life!!
This is a story of a 47 year old, single, Seattle mother who is disabled by law & has survived & beat death TWICE with CANCER just to be kicked down & knocked out by ESRD and Goodpasture's Syndrome. She is fighting for her life & needs a kidney transplant & is on dialysis indefinitely trying to get on the transplant list, trying to find a living donor for her kidney. At one point on life support system, she's been through a lot & never given up. The real story starts closer to 2008. . . . She had finally come to a point in her life, where she put her foot down & said enough is enough of the pain and not knowing. This is her story... This may sound unbelievable but I don't remember a time in my life, that my stomach did not hurt. I was given all kinds of, excuses or reasons, but no one ever had me checked out or suggested anything was really wrong - her stomach hurt. I heard my mom tell everyone, It's just growing pains! She'll grow out of it. She always said that! It was a constant complaint as a child, "my tummy hurts" it always ended with her giving me a soft piece of bread to eat. A communion of sorts. To calm my stomach (idk why) I guess her reasoning was, her own. Ironic that's what I was allergic too! Not normal stomach aches, this is pain so great it has kept me from participating in a majority of my life. I've had to hide it too - which is something all in itself. For the most part I've kept it to close friends & family. Its not something I was proud of and went to astronomical lengths to conceal I lived a secret double life for so long concealing my pain. It was this that finally caused me to snap! Fall 2008: Was the year I found out I had Celiac Disease & a true milk allergy. I had difficulty in the beginning - I was angry. I've worked through it but it took time. I Beat myself up & asked a lot of, "Why didn't I" kind of questions. I have no excuse. I'm just glad I did. From 2009 on I was gluten & milk free. It makes a lot of sense in hindsight. I certainly don't cheat - it's way too painful. In addition to that, I got a very rare form of cancer from eating gluten for 42 yrs. I had an answer to my prayers! Not what I expected, but it still was an answer. I was sick with an autoimmune disease. It was a relief to know I wasn't going crazy. I took educating myself seriously on my disease & found out everything I could. I researched, read, watched films, testimonials of others, & followed my doctor's instructions to the letter about my disease. My lifestyle naturally changed since my diet did. Things should've started leveling off. While it did change my appearance, I lost over 60 lbs, and that creeping pain still came back. It was very subtle. I heard from others all the time, "Wow! You look great!" Inside I felt terrible. Summer 2010: I was diagnosed with Cancer, after four biopsies, a million trips to the ER, and hospital stays. I finally made someone finally listen. I had trouble getting answers to my pain. I was losing my hair & cavities in my teeth were falling out - I looked a mess. It was then Swedish in Ballard found that I had a very rare form of stomach CANCER, Carcinoma Tumors of the the Duodenal. Surgery was performed immediately! They removed all of the cancer but, that spread to my gall bladder. Full of gall stones along with my appendix, duodenal, part of my stomach, and part of my pancreas. My entire digestive system. I have chronic pain every day of my life October of 2013: Though I had the flu, was ill for the month. Prior to this, I had terrible pain in my back & ignored it. I was admitted, hooked to an IV drip, given a gown, and told to do the "Hokey Pokey." You know the routine, WAIT, which I did. Then to my surprise, I had a renal doctor come in to tell inform me my kidneys were failing. That I had End Stage Renal Disease (ERSD) . All I heard was, "There was no cure. Your organ has quit working, causing your body to shut down, and you will die without treatment. You need a new kidney!" I had a few choices for treatment: Dialysis and a kidney transplan, or no treatment and death. My heart stopped twice and I had to be induced into a coma in ICU. I woke up with tubes down my throat, my nose uncomfortable, and I was terrified. I was moved from Swedish Hospital to the Rare & Exotic Diseases at University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC). I needed Renal & Rheumatology care. After a biopsy that took from my Kidney diagnosed me with a very rare, autoimmune disease called: Goodpasture's Syndrome (GPS) . This took about a week for the biopsy results to reveal the diagnosis. Then treatments were recommended. Plasmapheresis & Chemotherapy were given as treatment. A very long painful ordeal I survived & managed to get rid of the GPS. A mini miracle in itself. - But a step I needed to be clear of, before I could get a new kidney. I have cardiac heart disease from GPS. Some days I spent in my hospital bed for up to 12 hours straight, receiving all three treatments, one right after the other. 200 days to be exact. Every tiny germ is a monster germ to me. I have no immune system. I am very fragile. I started at Swedish but ended up in treatment in West Seattle since January of 2014 getting great dialysis. It's all I do. Eat, sleep, dialysis. I'm often the youngest person there. I'm so sick there is not much else. I have trouble breathing & often short of breath, just from breathing. I found out recently that I have macular degeneration. I'm going blind very slowly. But the latest ailment to add to my rapidly failing body is I have SEVERE osteoporosis - I just had surgery on my back a week ago and am recovering from it. I had five spontaneous vertebrae breaks in my spine were stabilized. I was walking around with a broken back and neck. Imagine that and had no clue. The pain hideous. I haven't worked since October 2013, obviously because I can't. I have no savings I'm on SSI & Medicare. The lowest of the low. I'm on disability, but 's only$700 a month, this is supposed to pay my rent, food, clothing, necessities and medicines. I fail badly every month short & overdrawn. Going without. I'm living in a temporary situation, which is actually hurting my chances for the transplant list, a new kidney and staying alive. I have to move to get back on the transplant list & become compliant. I am trying to raise the money for that, a year of rent to give me some leeway after my surgery. A living donor would give me what I need, a kidney. When you have organ failure - in my case kidney and ESRD, it causes everything else to slowly start shutting down, one after another. I'm no exception. It's happening to me now. I'm on a race to survive. Can my list of ailments be fixed? What about saving my life? YES - with an organ donation, a kidney. It will halt most of "the falling apart". It will all start getting better, almost immediately in some cases. That is the awesome thing about a living donor donation. Ultimately I need a kidney. The transplant list is my way to that kidney... That was only part Angels story there is more... Right now my main focus is to get her some finances for her medicines she needs to comply with, and to move her into STABLE living conditions so she can get back on the list, THIS IS A MUST for her to recieve a KIDNEY. Also a year rent paid up so she has no worries. She also needs finances DESPERATELY for her medicines.. My goal is to try and help with all of this, through her go fund me page, and next I will be trying to get her story to the MEDIA. Once all the above is done she get back on the DONOR LIST, get a LIVING DONOR and can have her KIDNEY, and live happily ever after. Until the ABOVE THINGS ARE DONE, we will continue to watch Angel die before our eyes. I can't even imagine that outcome.. I would have FAILED HER. IT will haunt me FOREVER. PLEASE HELP ME SPREAD HER STORY, and save her life.. All you have to do is SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Donations can be made here: gofundme.com/AngelMartos If you'd like to follow this journey with us you can do so below in a page I've started for her Angels for my ANGEL.. CLICK THE LINK or share..
What are the causes of ESRD?
ESRD is when the kidneys stop working well enough for you to live without dialysis or a transplant. This kind of kidney failure is permanent. It cannot be fixed. If you have ESRD, you will need dialysis or a kidney transplant to live.
Angel spends every waking moment at the dialysis center getting get blood cleaned just to survive on a daily. Without it she will die.
Unfortunately she's at the point ale is now on the Kidney Transplant List and will die is she doesn't get one soon. (This is NO JOKE) She's living on borrowed time..
If you would like to get tested to see if you can help get live that would be AWESOME. Contact her via Facebook and she'll give you that info. It would be greatly appreciated.
Angel has been such an inspiration to me since the day I met her. As a cancer survivor, facing this illness she has shown nothing but strength, grace, and a positive attitude..
She's one brave woman who has touched my soul. She truly has made me look at life in a totally light. She has shared her journey with the Facebook world, and has done so gracefully. I admire her fight, courage, strength, and faith in God.
Angel has children. As you know after battling cancer, and now ERSD is I'm sure is draining to her financial situation. Insurance only pays so much.
Also in the event the worst happens, I would like to try and lessen the financial strain on her family, and most importantly have money for the childrens needs.
It was hard for me as adult to lose my mother, I couldn't imagine what her children are going thru..
If you have one ounce of compassion in your being, I beg of you to please donate even if it's a little bit. It all adds up.. It will be greatly appreciated!
REMEMBER.... If you were in her shoes you'd wanna be saved, you wouldn't wanna leave your kids behind... Get checked save a life!!
This is a story of a 47 year old, single, Seattle mother who is disabled by law & has survived & beat death TWICE with CANCER just to be kicked down & knocked out by ESRD and Goodpasture's Syndrome. She is fighting for her life & needs a kidney transplant & is on dialysis indefinitely trying to get on the transplant list, trying to find a living donor for her kidney. At one point on life support system, she's been through a lot & never given up. The real story starts closer to 2008. . . . She had finally come to a point in her life, where she put her foot down & said enough is enough of the pain and not knowing. This is her story... This may sound unbelievable but I don't remember a time in my life, that my stomach did not hurt. I was given all kinds of, excuses or reasons, but no one ever had me checked out or suggested anything was really wrong - her stomach hurt. I heard my mom tell everyone, It's just growing pains! She'll grow out of it. She always said that! It was a constant complaint as a child, "my tummy hurts" it always ended with her giving me a soft piece of bread to eat. A communion of sorts. To calm my stomach (idk why) I guess her reasoning was, her own. Ironic that's what I was allergic too! Not normal stomach aches, this is pain so great it has kept me from participating in a majority of my life. I've had to hide it too - which is something all in itself. For the most part I've kept it to close friends & family. Its not something I was proud of and went to astronomical lengths to conceal I lived a secret double life for so long concealing my pain. It was this that finally caused me to snap! Fall 2008: Was the year I found out I had Celiac Disease & a true milk allergy. I had difficulty in the beginning - I was angry. I've worked through it but it took time. I Beat myself up & asked a lot of, "Why didn't I" kind of questions. I have no excuse. I'm just glad I did. From 2009 on I was gluten & milk free. It makes a lot of sense in hindsight. I certainly don't cheat - it's way too painful. In addition to that, I got a very rare form of cancer from eating gluten for 42 yrs. I had an answer to my prayers! Not what I expected, but it still was an answer. I was sick with an autoimmune disease. It was a relief to know I wasn't going crazy. I took educating myself seriously on my disease & found out everything I could. I researched, read, watched films, testimonials of others, & followed my doctor's instructions to the letter about my disease. My lifestyle naturally changed since my diet did. Things should've started leveling off. While it did change my appearance, I lost over 60 lbs, and that creeping pain still came back. It was very subtle. I heard from others all the time, "Wow! You look great!" Inside I felt terrible. Summer 2010: I was diagnosed with Cancer, after four biopsies, a million trips to the ER, and hospital stays. I finally made someone finally listen. I had trouble getting answers to my pain. I was losing my hair & cavities in my teeth were falling out - I looked a mess. It was then Swedish in Ballard found that I had a very rare form of stomach CANCER, Carcinoma Tumors of the the Duodenal. Surgery was performed immediately! They removed all of the cancer but, that spread to my gall bladder. Full of gall stones along with my appendix, duodenal, part of my stomach, and part of my pancreas. My entire digestive system. I have chronic pain every day of my life October of 2013: Though I had the flu, was ill for the month. Prior to this, I had terrible pain in my back & ignored it. I was admitted, hooked to an IV drip, given a gown, and told to do the "Hokey Pokey." You know the routine, WAIT, which I did. Then to my surprise, I had a renal doctor come in to tell inform me my kidneys were failing. That I had End Stage Renal Disease (ERSD) . All I heard was, "There was no cure. Your organ has quit working, causing your body to shut down, and you will die without treatment. You need a new kidney!" I had a few choices for treatment: Dialysis and a kidney transplan, or no treatment and death. My heart stopped twice and I had to be induced into a coma in ICU. I woke up with tubes down my throat, my nose uncomfortable, and I was terrified. I was moved from Swedish Hospital to the Rare & Exotic Diseases at University of Washington Medical Center (UWMC). I needed Renal & Rheumatology care. After a biopsy that took from my Kidney diagnosed me with a very rare, autoimmune disease called: Goodpasture's Syndrome (GPS) . This took about a week for the biopsy results to reveal the diagnosis. Then treatments were recommended. Plasmapheresis & Chemotherapy were given as treatment. A very long painful ordeal I survived & managed to get rid of the GPS. A mini miracle in itself. - But a step I needed to be clear of, before I could get a new kidney. I have cardiac heart disease from GPS. Some days I spent in my hospital bed for up to 12 hours straight, receiving all three treatments, one right after the other. 200 days to be exact. Every tiny germ is a monster germ to me. I have no immune system. I am very fragile. I started at Swedish but ended up in treatment in West Seattle since January of 2014 getting great dialysis. It's all I do. Eat, sleep, dialysis. I'm often the youngest person there. I'm so sick there is not much else. I have trouble breathing & often short of breath, just from breathing. I found out recently that I have macular degeneration. I'm going blind very slowly. But the latest ailment to add to my rapidly failing body is I have SEVERE osteoporosis - I just had surgery on my back a week ago and am recovering from it. I had five spontaneous vertebrae breaks in my spine were stabilized. I was walking around with a broken back and neck. Imagine that and had no clue. The pain hideous. I haven't worked since October 2013, obviously because I can't. I have no savings I'm on SSI & Medicare. The lowest of the low. I'm on disability, but 's only$700 a month, this is supposed to pay my rent, food, clothing, necessities and medicines. I fail badly every month short & overdrawn. Going without. I'm living in a temporary situation, which is actually hurting my chances for the transplant list, a new kidney and staying alive. I have to move to get back on the transplant list & become compliant. I am trying to raise the money for that, a year of rent to give me some leeway after my surgery. A living donor would give me what I need, a kidney. When you have organ failure - in my case kidney and ESRD, it causes everything else to slowly start shutting down, one after another. I'm no exception. It's happening to me now. I'm on a race to survive. Can my list of ailments be fixed? What about saving my life? YES - with an organ donation, a kidney. It will halt most of "the falling apart". It will all start getting better, almost immediately in some cases. That is the awesome thing about a living donor donation. Ultimately I need a kidney. The transplant list is my way to that kidney... That was only part Angels story there is more... Right now my main focus is to get her some finances for her medicines she needs to comply with, and to move her into STABLE living conditions so she can get back on the list, THIS IS A MUST for her to recieve a KIDNEY. Also a year rent paid up so she has no worries. She also needs finances DESPERATELY for her medicines.. My goal is to try and help with all of this, through her go fund me page, and next I will be trying to get her story to the MEDIA. Once all the above is done she get back on the DONOR LIST, get a LIVING DONOR and can have her KIDNEY, and live happily ever after. Until the ABOVE THINGS ARE DONE, we will continue to watch Angel die before our eyes. I can't even imagine that outcome.. I would have FAILED HER. IT will haunt me FOREVER. PLEASE HELP ME SPREAD HER STORY, and save her life.. All you have to do is SHARE, SHARE, SHARE! Donations can be made here: gofundme.com/AngelMartos If you'd like to follow this journey with us you can do so below in a page I've started for her Angels for my ANGEL.. CLICK THE LINK or share..
Organizer and beneficiary
Shannyn Staab
Auburn, WA
Angel Martos