Angel of Hope Statue for Dothan
The Angel Of Hope Statue For Dothan is for every parent who has lost a child of any age. It will be a place to provide comfort , healing and also a way of remembering each child so they are never forgotten. Engraved on the wing is HOPE and her arms are reaching out to welcome home all who come to her.
Every Dec 6th there will be a candlelight vigil in honor of the children who are no longer with us.
The Angel Of Hope Statue at Westgate Park is completed thanks to all who helped by donating. The final overall cost was over $50,000 and that includes material and labor donations as well. All money raised now will be for maintenance, flowers, annual insurance cost, and annual Candlelight Vigil expenses and future projects. All donations of any amount are appreciated. I hope you will go by and visit the Angel Of Hope Statue at Westgate Park between the Library and Miracle Field.