So here goes. After much deliberation, I have now decided to run to be Bristol mayor in 2016.
The last few years in Bristol have been interesting ones, both personally for me and politically.
We will use the platform to talk about some very BIG important issues that affect Bristolians at the moment.
The campaign trail will be the 'peoples campaign' trail and please be encouraged to get involved and bring issues that you think deserve to be spread PUBLICLY (and we hope through the mainstream media)
Heres some off the top of my head:
*Saying what you mean and meaning what you say - Why we need to give rise to a new type of politics, one based on decency, honesty and respect.
*Homelessness in Bristol Why when Bristol is seen to be THE BEST place to live in the country is there skyrocketing amounts of people sleeping rough here as well? Shocking and something should be done to help some of Bristols poorest people. We all deserve a home.
*Gentriferguson - Sorry I mean Gentrification and skyrocketing rental prices. Why are we seeing plush hotels, student accomodation and expensive flats in the city centre - whilst still hundreds if not THOUSANDS sleep rough in Bristol, nightly?
*the destruction of Bristols fertile growing land at Stapleton allotments/Metrobus - Outrageous to see our soil replaced with yet more tarmac, over 20 green spaces WRECKED at the hands of the metrobus.
*Crumbling democracy in Bristol - Why having a mayor means LESS democracy for our city.
*George Ferguson - As a perfect example of how having a mayor who can singlehandely override our democracy in our great city - and should be stopped as soon as possible - We will be looking at George Ferguson in depth during the election period and build up to.
*Resident parking zones - Why didn't communities decide if they want them? How can we get rid of them where they are not wanted/required? What does this mean Bristol city council stand for? Who do they represent? Should Bristolians have a say in how our streets are used?
*Our city our money our choices? Why have funds been funnelled off to other projects when frontline essential services face massive funding cuts and/or axed altogether?
ALL THIS AND MORE. More to come!
But building up to 2016 - We need to raise £500 for the deposit just to run. That could be 50 friends putting in £10 each. However we do it, we will do it and we will address the very important burning issues that Bristol and Bristolians face today.
I don't want this to be 'My campaign' anyway. For me this - all of this (I mean in a much grander scheme of things) involves us all and we should all use this platform to make sure our concerns, values and morals are heard. Join me on the platform, speak from your heart and be as outrageous as you can.
-Oh and wear a crazy hat. I always finds it helps one with public squeaking.