Bibles for Syrian Refugees
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Jamal invited the woman in to talk.She replayed her questions for him and explained how long she had tried to find answers…
For nearly three hours, Jamal and Amina talked through all she had wondered about Jesus. He concluded their time together by giving her the Bible he had used to answer many of her questions…
At home, Amina hid her treasures, reading them only when she knew others in the family would not discover her secret life. Studying the New Testament one night, she realized that the route of Jesus’ travels likely had taken Him right through her village…
The real-life drama of Jesus’ time on earth riveted Amina, and several weeks after meeting Jamal, her own journey brought her to take the step of faith of becoming a Jesus follower.
Dreams and Visions - Tom Doyle, pp 202,203
We are raising money to distribute 5000 Bibles in Lebanon among Syrian Refugees this September. Please give! As little as $6.00 can buy one Bible.
Phil Leng
Kirkland, WA