Bigots March will Support Refugees
A group plans to march in Boise, Idaho on November 1st against the refugee resettlement program that helps make Boise such a vibrant community.
Let's turn lemons into lemonade and have these haters help us raise money for the International Rescue Committee, an organization which assists those seeking refuge in Boise and elsewhere.
We're asking people to donate based on the number of steps the haters take. Their march route is from Julia Davis Park to the Idaho Capitol, 6/10ths of a mile or approximately 1200 steps.
10 cents a step would be $120. If you can afford 5 cents a step, donate $60. 1 cent per step is $12. If that's too much, half a cent/step is $6, or a quarter cent/step is $3. No amount is too small (or too large.)
Let's show the haters Idaho rejects xenophobia and bigotry of all forms.
Also please share this with your networks of friends. We know most people are humbled to help those fleeing natural disasters, war and persecution and sick of Idaho's reputation as haven for bigots.