Help Boston Antifa Leave & Continue
UPDATED: 8/8/2017
I think I'll shut this down fairly soon. Just like a couple months ago, no reason to donate to this. We are going to be fine thanks to people who already helped. You are welcome to support us through the page if you'd like but it is not necessary and I'd feel weird about setting up a Patreon for this. Thankfully, Antifa is having a hard time being on there anyway.
It's obvious by some guy's one hour stream that no one reads or finds those It's Going Down articles anymore and this GoFundMe has already helped to properly assure all those threats against us won't matter. We just had a nice one from Eugene Antifa a few days ago vaguely threatening to find us and do whatever during a block party event here. Another one from Antifa in Portland. It happens frequently and it's a side of this thing that people needed to hear in case something happens to us. I don't trust the police in this town to ever do anything about Antifa so while I hate obscurely spoiling jokes or spoiling them at all, safety first.
Anyway, the page was left up only for the people who could find it and now there's more than enough people doing that work for a lot of others. So archive this or do whatever people have probably already done. I'm not upset about these YouTubers wanting to spoil the joke or whatever. I created this thing in February and my goal was to get other actually funny people involved, which has happened. I'd prefer people just play along and add to it but I could honestly step away from this any day soon. So whatever.
Since this thing started, ourselves and others have managed to get a lot more people involved in this whole thing. Anyone is welcome to join us on Twitter (twitter.com/AntifaBoston) or start up a YouTube channel or Facebook. Don't get too intimidated. Antifa is extremely easy to make fun of. Also, Antifa blames us for everything. I wouldn't worry about the same stuff happening to you as long as you take precautions and watch out for "friends" selling you out. Which is what happened to us and forced our gag into having to be something a little more serious.
Don't try to start violence and crap like that. Antifa does this themselves just fine. Just relentlessly make fun of them. They can't handle it. They are lame and humorless. Have fun.
Since this is the last update I'll make on here, be sure to subscribe to us on YouTube and follow on Twitter. I'm really trying to step away from Facebook.
Stay safe and #FightBack!
-Dustin 28
UPDATED: 6/21/2017
Things are going rather well. There is really no reason anyone needs to continue donating. Everyone that did has ensured we will make it out just fine and will go on making content very soon. I'll leave this up for a while longer for those who have been interested in what we've been up to. Because I've been very particular about not posting anything about this gofundme myself, many people are just now coming across it from others who have posted it.
To make things short, we WILL be doing new things rather soon while working with others and their projects.
We also are beginning to learn the identities of the people associated with It's Going Down. For those who have been personally affected by their libelous content, feel free to message us for more. Not saying legal action will be pursued but it's a LOT more likely legal action can be pursued. Unless you're Antifa, Democratic Socialist... whatever you now call yourself... have a great day and thanks again for your awesome support!
UPDATED: 5/5/2017
To summarize this whole thing for people who don't want to read through: The GoFundMe is for people who want to help us get out of this hornet's nest and also to support our future work with Boston Antifa and new, similar things. Moving away from an area where pseudo-Bolshevik thugs are stalking us and making some of the goofiest and worst videos on the Internet to mock Antifa. Whatever is put into this will only be used to protect us from harm/harassment & to help with making new videos.
No pressure to send anything but I can't say how awesome it is that people want to support our stuff. Freedom of speech means freedom from violence towards people making jokes. We all should be able to mock the hell out of Antifa like anyone else. We're planning on continuing that a lot more after a small break.
We've also appreciated your kind messages. Feel free to message us at anytime with questions or just anything you've been doing to make fun of Antifa. There's some funny parodies of Antifa that are starting to show up and we're always trying to help them get some spotlight. There's an email icon next to Alexis's name.
UPDATED: 5/3/2017
I realize this page is already incredibly long, so I finally made use of that updates section. Please, click that updates button to view the new update.
UPDATED: 4/30/2017
Antifa posts our address, vehicles we drive and vaguely calls for their "comrades" to terrorize us. So after this page has been sitting for a month without anyone really being told about it, we have finally decided to share it.
Verification of the GoFundMe. View the last part of the description.
Hello. Our names are Brandon Krebs and Alexis Esteb and we currently live in Eugene, OR. We are the people who have been running the satirical act 'Boston Antifa'. We put out crazy videos inspired by real Antifa content and run a "free speech" Facebook page that doesn't block everyone all day. We regularly repost different things we find on real Antifa pages and allow everyone from Trump supporters to real Antifa to comment and argue against or for without censorship. The real Antifa pages HATE that. They see our Antifa page and seeth with hatred over the opinions they are powerless to suppress.
Freedom of speech is dangerous. Right, Antifa?
Some of our work:
One of our most infamous videos that Antifa actually considers to be a COINTELPRO operation. Not even joking.
There are several videos we create somewhat like this.
One of our two appearances with Gavin McInnes. Really decent guy who has dealt with his own fair share of unfair attacks from extremists. If I wasn't already nervous about the whole thing, this one was right after information about what town we lived in came out.
Which brings me to our latest goofy prank. Notice some of the obvious jokes like Antifa using Bing and the names of fellow Antifa. Clearly, based on this and that video of Brandon in drag, we are COINTELPRO.
Like most of Boston Antifa, it is inspired by real events and things Antifa have actually done. Fast forward to 2:35...
So anyway. Here is our situation......
As you may have probably seen, Antifa hasn't been too happy with our antics, and have taken it upon themselves to employ terrorist-like actions to threaten us, bully us, and doxx (put our personal information online) us until we stop making parody videos about them. We have been threatened here in our city, and have had far too much information about us spread around, and now, it is potentially unsafe for us to continue to live here.
We had nothing to do with fake Eugene profiles, as doing something related so close to where you live kind of breaks a golden prank rule.
The majority of Boston Antifa is taken from real Antifa sources. There is no disinformation. Is that what we call jokes now? Boston Antifa is a comedy project that makes fun of people all over the political spectrum, although we obviously are targeting the ridiculousness of Antifa primarily. Why would I be showing my face from the very first video if I was doing something so nefarious as they claim?
The original Boston Antifa was also deleted over death threats and harrassment. Other Antifa pages passed around that second image as if real Boston Antifa were somehow victims. A movement full of sociopaths? You can imagine that Facebook probably prefers a joke page to the real deal.
Just one of the rather more direct threats we've recieved from the local AntiFa.
"That'll teach them for makin' fun of us!" Nice fist emoji. Very subtle, Antifa.
About the GoFundMe:
We were encouraged to set up this GoFundMe in advance in case of emergencies. Not exactly something I'm excited about doing but after having some great people offer their assistance in the past, I couldn't turn down them when we actually really need it.
We need help leaving and we need it quickly. As ordinary human beings and Americans don't have reactions towards parodies like this, this whole situation caught us a little off guard. People have become disaffected post-election and many of them are turning to groups like AntiFa for the answers. It's definitely getting worse here by the month in Eugene, Oregon.
I have never had a call to be terrorized over jokes from anyone and we've been doing silly stuff online for years. To add to this: no manhunt was ever orchestrated by Trump supporters or anyone but Antifa. We have probably upset hundreds of thousdands of right-wingers who didn't see the joke at first. To those who are just figuring it out now, don't feel bad. Parody Antifa and real Antifa are not too different.
Neither of us wanted to leave on such short notice, but it is in our best interest that we distance ourselves from the anger of people who feel like they must attack us and shut us down. Thank you in advance for helping us either through this or the kind words of support we have recieved. Stay safe.
One final note:
Boston Antifa was always meant as a prank. While we disagree with Antifa and the way they behave themselves, there were never any intentions to do some crazy CIA COINTELPRO operation. Not to say these things don't exist but if we discredited Antifa, we did it by using their own stuff. Also one of us dressed in drag and we chanted about people not recycling. (which also actually happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_28yh5-9GJg)
The content used in Boston Antifa was inspired by posts and videos we discovered that were made by real Antifa. People in Antifa predictably will list any mockery of their "movement" as something far worse than it actually is. A lot of people in Antifa (but not all of them) support violence towards all of their enemies. Calling them "alt-right Nazis" is their general go-to. When they discovered our pro-Trump posts, that's all they needed to do to convince their minions that we were "Nazis"
One of the reasons the stuff in our videos and posts is so crazy and provactive to people is that you normally never see it. Antifa are failures at Facebook, regularly blocking and censoring people who come to their pages. The average post reach for a Facebook page run by real Antifa is like 5,000 on a good day. The average post reach for the Boston Antifa page is around 1 Million on an average day.
Not to brag but that's what a Free Speech Antifa page looks like. Maybe they'll follow our lead?
We plan on making new and different content in the future but our priorities are first getting to a safer part of the country for moderates and conservatives. You'll definitely see some kind of documentary about our experiences with this project and exactly what kind of people are involved in modern AntiFa.
We are as well looking forward to being closer to family.
Thanks for checking out our GoFundMe!