Bryce Hill to the DNC Convention
Hello, and first I'd like to thank you just for taking the time to visit my GoFundMe! If you don't know me, my name is Bryce Hill, and I was elected the top-seated delegate for Bernie Sanders in my congressional district (CD23 includes: Bakersfield, Mojave, Ridgecrest and other cities in the Sierra Nevada and Tehachapi mountains). Because I have been elected as a pledged delegate, I will be going to the Democratic National Convention on July 25-28th in Philadelphia! I will also be attending the state convention on June 19th in Long Beach, CA.
For years, I have been turned off by politics due to the infiltration of big money and the broken two-party system. The moment Bernie Sanders entered the Presidential race that completely changed for me. Senator Sanders has lit a passion that will not let me stop.
Bernie Delegates are self-funded and do not receive money from the CA Democratic Party to attend the conventions, which have a steep cost associated. I am attempting to off-set these costs with donations!
CA Dem. Party cost breakdown:
Airfare- $400-$900
4 nights at hotel- $2600
Food/incidentals- $450+
Statewide meeting- $150+
Initially, I planned to stay off-site in a low/no-cost housing option! However, we have been advised by the campaign to stay at the designated hotel where important meetings, daily credentials, and the other delegates will be. Though this significantly raises the cost, I believe it necessary to make sure my presence is most effective. I will be using my time outside of the actual convention to network and meet with Bernie and Hillary delegates to discuss party issues and ideas.
I am an active Bernie volunteer attending local meetings, phone/facebanking relentlessly, creating community themed Bernie gear (let me know if you would like to purchase a #NotMeUs or Bern County tee shirt!), volunteering/attending the local Bernie Sanders Rally, hosting debate parties, and joined local groups to discuss concerns and ideas that will make me a more useful and effective representative at the convention!
My goal, at the convention is not only to show my unwaivering support for Bernie, just as he has done for us, but on a larger scale I'd like to contribute to fixing what has become a broken political system. We need to discuss campaign finance reform, and getting the party to adopt many of the progessive ideals Bernie has been fighting for as part of their platform going forward! Your issues, concerns, and vision for the country go with me to the convention.
We're heading into a contested convention, so I'll not only be voting for Bernie, but I will advocate for him as well in order to get Hillary Clinton delegates and super-delegates to switch their votes to Bernie. It's a complete honor to be elected to represent my district, and hope to come back with Bernie as the nominee and many of our ideas adopted and supported by the party!
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this. If you can help me achieve this fundraising goal, thank you. If you're not able to help me at the moment, please consider sharing this with your friends.