LowIncome Immigrants legal Services
Donation protected

The Center for Immigrant Advancement, Inc is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization created on 2007 to make an impact at the local, state CIMA serve immigrant families providing immigration legal assistance and adult education programs.
Across the Country Eight million of immigrants qualify for U.S citizenship. Because of different reasons only 8 percent become a U.S Citizen each Year.
High costs related with the application process, including the application fee, $680 .
Lack of knowledge of the process and requirements.
Lack of access to English and U.S history classes
Unscrupulous attorneys and paralegals who take advantage of them seeking assistance
El Centro de Avance para el Inmigrante, Inc es una organización sin animo de lucro creando impacto a nivel local, estatal . CIMA provee servicios legales de immigracion y programas de educacion para adultos. CIMA trabaja para crear cambios positivos en la comunidad y en la vida de las familias inmigrantes.
Nuestra meta es contratar abogados y paralegales de tiempo completo y tambien necesitamos aumentar el numero de jornadas de ciudadania.
1109 SW 8 st Miami, Fl 33130

Helping low-income, Immigrants acquire the tools they need to succeed.
Cima Centro de Avance
Miami, FL