Make Brexit History
I need your help to Stop Brexit after our initial success at severely weakening Theresa May's Brexit mandate from her expected landslide majority on June 08. It's now time to finish the job.
During May we organised a programme of events around the country to leaven Mrs May's majority alongside our "No 10 Vigil" activities on Downing Street. These made a modest but significant contribution to the election result, along with the work of many others. We now seek to build on this work to "Break Brexit Before Brexit Breaks Britain". Please help by giving a donation, small or large and sharing this widely via e-mail and social media channels. We will spend the money on do the following things:
1. To undo "Parliamentary Paralysis" within the Conservative and Labour Parties to change their minds on Brexit, by selective targeting of Remain and Soft Brexit MP's.
2. To create high profile media attention via our multimedia protest "The No 10 Vigil" opposite Downing Street. We have had coverage in The Daily Mail, BBC Sunday Politics, BBC News, The Guardian, the Independent, ARTE, France 3 TV, The Daily Express, Breitbart, The FT etc., all from a small but strong and stable !! base.
3. To offer our support to the Liberal Democrats to
strengthen the potency of their messages on the EU and youth engagement, so that they can be a more effective opposition during Theresa May's brief term in coalition with the DUP and then the next general election.
4. To be an effective advocate of the benefits of continuing EU membership, collaborating with other groups such as Gina Miller's "Best For Britain" and "The European Movement".
5. To offer inspirational keynotes around the UK and Europe to change minds and Make Brexit History.
6. To record an album of songs to change heads, hearts and minds around Brexit and thus swing public opinion and that of Westminster MP's. Our chosen record label partner for this is a Guinness Book of Records winner.
We believe that Brexit is bad for jobs, bad for workers rights, bad for our public services, bad for business, bad for our children, bad for our United Kingdom, socially, economically, environmentally, politically and culturally as a leading nation in a global village.
We pay the EU approximately 30 pence a day or half a Mars bar for 70 years of peace, nearly 50% of our trade and free and easy access to Europe. This is about to change under Brexit.
Check our Slide Deck out at Make Brexit History.
Who are we and why are we capable of this?
We have led the No 10 Downing Street over the last three months, combining speaking, musical parody, comedy, performance art etc. Find out more about our talents at The Academy of Rock, Human Dynamics and Virgin. The campaign leader Peter Cook is a registered non-party campaigner and is non-partisan in his outlook. His aim is to stop Brexit at all costs.
Who Benefits?
You and your children will benefit in terms of avoiding up to 10 years of economic and social ruin that we face under Brexit.
We are not saboteurs, traitors or snowflakes, we are true patriots. We believe in a Greater Britain in a United Europe so let's do this together.
"Break Brexit Before Brexit Breaks Britain"