My Journey: The Wilds of Chicago
The fundraiser is over and the book is now available for immediate delivery! CLICK HERE TO ORDER!
IMPORTANT: When you pledge your support, you recieve a gift. Books start at $69, but $20 and $35 gets you sets of my Chicago Nature note cards that feature pictures from the book. See all 14 gifts at the bottom of this page.
Hi, I'm Mike MacDonald.
Thank you for taking the time to consider being a part of this exciting book and my vision to connect Chicagoans with nature and to celebrate its wonder.
The book is entitled "My Journey into the Wilds of Chicago: A Celebration of Chicagoland's Startling Natural Wonders." It's a big, 12x12", 240-page
coffee table photography book, and I am the photographer, author, and publisher.
I began working on the book four-and-a-half years ago, but I've been learning about and photographing Chicago nature for twenty-two years. I'm creating this book because I want to make a difference. I want my photographs to help make the world a better place.
The book contains over 200 photographs, but that's just the half of it. I've written 47 inspirational and educational chapters about Chicago's fascinating habitats and species, plus stories of my journey along the way. The book also features chapters on 24 of Chicagoland's finest nature preserves for you to visit!
To prove that I'm not the only person who believes in my vision, I am honored to announce that two esteemed individuals have written forewords for the book: legendary journalist, Bill Kurtis, and world-renowned conservationist, Stephen Packard.
"The words 'electrifying' and 'monumental' come to mind.
I can imagine many people saying, 'This book changed my life.'"
— Stephen Packard
"Your book is a remarkable tool in getting people to understand,
to appreciate, and to take action to preserve the prairie."
— Bill Kurtis
So, now, here's the time where I ask for your generosity and support, to make my vision your vision, so that I can publish 3,000 world-class books. Pledge if you can, but please tell everyone you know.
Send this link to everyone: GoFundMe.com/ChicagoBook .
To say thank you, for any pledge of $5 or more, you'll receive a gift. Give $69 and you'll receive the book. (A $20 savings.) Please see the full list of rewards below.
To learn about the book and my vision, please see the information below. If you haven't seen the video, click here to watch it .
So there you have it. If you believe in this vision or just believe in me, one that will make a difference, and one that has filled my heart for the past 20 years.
Thank you so much!
My goal is reconnect people with nature through the publication of an educational and inspiring coffee table photography book entitled My Journey into the Wilds of Chicago: A Celebration of Chicagoland's Startling Natural Wonders.
This lovely coffee table photography book reveals Chicago's startling natural wonders. Passionate & humorous, it tells an inspirational story of a photographer’s personal adventure in the urban wild. With over 200 breathtaking images of Chicago's nature preserves, this book will give you plenty of beautiful places to explore!
Mike MacDonald can be described in just one word; "passion." And Mike is passionate about Chicago nature.
For over two decades, Mike MacDonald has photographed Chicago’s natural wonders: its prairies, savannas, woodlands, and wetlands.
His celebratory work made him Chicago Wilderness magazine’s most prominently published photographer, but his images have been nationally and internationally featured in many publications such as Outdoor Photographer, Petersen’s Photographic, Boy’s Life, and BBC’s Gardens Illustrated magazine.
Mike lives with his wife, Cordy, in Downers Grove.Here, I'm photographing rough blazing star in a Hodgkins, IL prairie.
In our fast-pace world of technology, where populations are becoming more urbanized and life is increasing experienced on electronic screens, people are losing their connection to nature. Yet nature is all around us, especially if you live in the Chicago area.
There are more than 225,000 acres (or 352 square miles) of natural area within an hour's drive of downtown Chicago. But few Chicagoans know it’s there. Unfortunately, you can't love and support something that doesn't exist. So, I’ve made it my mission is to play matchmaker!
Through this book and public speaking presentations, my goal is to introduce millions of Chicagoans to the natural wonders that surround them and to rekindle that love of nature which smolders inside everyone. And with this rediscovered love comes the possibility of a cultural shift—a new understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of nature and biodiversity. And you can help!This June sunrise in Elgin, Illinois is as glorious as any place on Earth.
In this Cook County wetland, great blue herons hunt in sublime synchronicity.
In the winter, pull yourself out of bed. Trade a world of forgotten dreams for a dream world that you'll always remember!
The goal is $72,000 to cover all of my out-of-pocket expenses to promote my vision of reconnecting people with nature through the use of a world-class book, traditional and social media, website, public speaking, and other creative possibilities.
The vast majority of the funds will go directly towards the production of 3,000 hard-cover books and to spread the word about Chicago's natural wonders.
This includes $40,000 for printing, $5,000 for editing and proofreading, $5,500 for book and map design, $1,500 for publishing-related registrations, $5,000 for marketing, $3,000 to update website, $6,400 for shipping and handling for this campaign, and $5,600 (or 8%) in commissions and fees to GoFundMe.
Click here to download an excerpt!
May brings a profusion of hyacinth to this rare savanna.
In August, this woodland in Willow Springs towers with purple Joe-pye weed. Here, the final light of day caught their feathery plumes.
Chicago nature can be as wild as any place. Here, a lone coyote crosses a partially frozen wetland near Palos Heights.
This is a typical morning in one of Chicagoland's prairies!
In the morning, carefully explore the dewy prairie grasses and you may discover a pearly gem.
When snow clings to the trees, Chicago is transformed into a fairyland.
Feel the embrace of the bur oaks in this intimate oak savanna.
Curious white-tailed deer stare intensely at me through the golden fog.
"FIREWORKS": A print of this photo is available as a reward (below). It is also the cover of the book. In July, Wolf Road Prairie in Westchester, Illinois explodes with color and texture.
Every pledge comes with a gift of like value.
Please see the list of rewards below.
Click here to download an excerpt from the book!
Visit my website: ChicagoNature.com.