Help Chris Fight For Legalization!
My name is Chris Thompson, and I'm a junior in Biological Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana.
I'm also a HUGE cannabis legalization advocate!
I'm the Executive Director and re-founder of Purdue NORML , co-founder of Ball State NORML , IUPUI NORML , and IU NORML , and I also sit on the Board of Directors of Indiana NORML .
This summer, I've been given the opportunity to be an intern at the National NORML offices in Denver, Colorado! I'll be working on increasing chapter communication, helping new NORML chapters get started, and promoting legalization throughout the country!
Unfortunately, this is an unpaid internship. I've been working for months to get this position, but I unfortunately don't have the means to stay in Denver for 4 months with no pay.
I've been saving up money from a part time job, which will pay for my food, gas, and other necessities. However I still have the apartment rent, utility charges, and moving costs to pay.
That's where you come in!
I'm starting this GoFundMe campaign to raise $5,000 for my stay this summer in Denver, to fight for legalization and end marijuana prohibition.
Here's the breakdown of that goal:
Rent $900/month x 4 - $3,600.00
Utilities $200/month x 4 - $ 800.00
Moving Costs $600 (gas, truck, etc.) - $ 600.00
Total - $5,000.00
Also, every cent that I raise above my goal will be donated to National NORML!
If you have any questions about my campaign, cannabis legalization, or how to get involved with NORML, please contact me at @ChrisIsNORML on twitter or my email [email redacted]!
Thank you so much for visiting my page, please LIKE and SHARE to spread the word about my campaign! #YesWeCannabis
Me with other Purdue NORML members at our T-shirt sale last fall!
Me with drug policy reform activist Dr. Carl Hart after he spoke at Purdue!
Me with the Purdue NORML exec board and Vice Chair of National NORML Steve Dillon!
A Ball State University student news segment where I'm interviewed about Ball State NORML!