Tax deductible
Hello, I live with a diagnosis of atypical Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease and am one of the founding members of this nonprofit. It is unlike any international nonprofit we are aware of because it was started by and is run by people living with a diagnosis. It focuses on everything important to the best quality of life for people living with a diagnosis rather than research, something that is very often not the priority of other nonprofits in the sector. And who knows what is important to people with dementia more than people with dementia?
So what does DAI do? We provide several types of peer facilitated support groups including ones that are done by online video conference software the organization pays for so people living with a diagnosis can stay social with others living with a diagnosis which is known to be important in slowing progression. DAI advocates for important things both nationally an d internationally through various bodies including W.H.O. and the United Nations. We have lobbied for inclusion of dementia as a disability under the articles of the C.R.P.D. which is important in the countries that have ratified this convention. We also provide scholarships for members to attend important conferences both to learn and educate others as this fulfills one of our goals which is expressed through "nothing about us without us". DAI currently has NO paid staff and depends on both members and volunteers without dementia to support the organization so it is extremely efficient with donations. We obtain needed paid services as needed except for an IT company which maintains our website on a regular basis. But as you know, everything is expensive today so every amount of money, small or large helps.
Please help support Dementia Alliance International in all of it's various work and needs with a donation today (tax deductible for US citizens)! #GoBeyondGiving
So what does DAI do? We provide several types of peer facilitated support groups including ones that are done by online video conference software the organization pays for so people living with a diagnosis can stay social with others living with a diagnosis which is known to be important in slowing progression. DAI advocates for important things both nationally an d internationally through various bodies including W.H.O. and the United Nations. We have lobbied for inclusion of dementia as a disability under the articles of the C.R.P.D. which is important in the countries that have ratified this convention. We also provide scholarships for members to attend important conferences both to learn and educate others as this fulfills one of our goals which is expressed through "nothing about us without us". DAI currently has NO paid staff and depends on both members and volunteers without dementia to support the organization so it is extremely efficient with donations. We obtain needed paid services as needed except for an IT company which maintains our website on a regular basis. But as you know, everything is expensive today so every amount of money, small or large helps.
Please help support Dementia Alliance International in all of it's various work and needs with a donation today (tax deductible for US citizens)! #GoBeyondGiving
John Sandblom
Ankeny, IA
Dementia Alliance International