Daniel Clark's Hospital Funds
Donation protected

We want to thank everyone who has donated to Daniel's GoFundMe thus far! Because we have SO MANY other pictures to upload, we are deciding to create a new GoFundMe page to focus more on bills regarding his dental reconstruction. We're ecstatic that we Daniel back and we are so fortunate that we were blessed with so much support and prayers. Thank you all again and again! <3 <3 <3
For those who want to continue with us on Daniel's journey, please visit our new GoFundMe page at https://www.gofundme.com/daniel-needs-teeth

June 9th 2019- 10:30 AM
Update directly from Bambi!
Daniel is in rehab and walking. Doing better but still sleeping a lot. Wanting to get out. Working hard at physical therapy. We are blessed and so very fortunate. <3
June 6th 2019- 6:53 PM
Sorry for the delay in updates! This entire situation has been overwhelming for our family to say the least. Despite some set backs, Daniel has been working hard to get back on his feet! He walked for the first time since the accident two days ago! As of last night, he was transferred from the hospital to rehab, and we are SO SO SO grateful of everyone's support! We are continuing to work with Daniel in getting him back to his normal life.
June 1st 2019- 11:15 AM
Update directly from Bambi!
So MRI done. Nose set today. It was telescoped into his face. Poor baby. Better now though. More facial surgeries to go down the road.
June 1st 2019- 10:50 AM
We just got confirmation that Daniel won't have to go through brain surgery!!! We are SO blessed! Keep the prayers coming please!! <3<3
June 1st 2019- 9:00 AM
We finally got Daniel's MRI done. He will have to go through a lot of surgeries for some reconstructive work. Despite it all, Daniel is fighting to stay awake longer and longer with us now! From just 3 minutes a few days ago, to about 15 minutes now! When visitors are allowed, he'll push himself to stay up for an hour! It is amazing to see all these prayers hard at work helping Daniel fight through the pain!
May 31st 2019- 3:29 PM
Daniel is now in stable enough condition to start the surgery process! He will have multiple to go through, and we are still in the process of working with the doctors as to which surgeries are priority over others. Thank you everyone for the prayers! "With all these prayers he should sprout wings soon."
May 30th 2019- 7:05 AM
Daniel arrived to Anaheim safely! It was a smooth trip, so we are all very grateful for that.
May 29th 2019- 6:00 PM
We just got word that Daniel will be transferred to Kaiser Anaheim for additional surgeries and recovery. Please pray for his safe travel!
May 29th 2019- 5:40 PM
We are making progress with the recovery! Daniel is very, very slowly adapting to taking in liquid foods little by little. It's a start, but he is striving to make it!
May 29th 2019- 10:00 AM
Daniel is out of the ICU! We still need to keep a close watch on him, but to switch into a regular room has been such a relief for our family. Thank you all for your support. We now are on to Daniel's recovery, rather than Daniel's survival! <3<3<3
May 29th 2019- 9:50 AM
Hi everyone, my name is Josh. I'm Daniel's uncle. I've been heavily involved in helping Daniel's mother, Bambi, with everything from the time I learned about the accident. I know Daniel has a very long road to recovery, and I just wanted to thank everyone for the prayers and donations we have already received! We are still not sure of how much the rehabilitation will cost. We just want to ensure that Bambi won't have any issues providing for Daniel's needs during his recovery. Our condolences go out to the families of Josh and Coleton. We understand just how lucky we are to still have Daniel.
May 28th 2019- 11:00 AM
We got a few more minutes with Daniel again this morning! He still is having a difficult time remembering things due to the brain trauma and has fallen asleep since then. Unfortunately, when Daniel is awake, he experiences pain, and so there is a very thin line between giving him too much medication, to where his body will stop repairing itself, but not so little, to where he is constantly hurting. Doctors are working closely with our family as to which surgeries can be done at this time.
May 28th 2019- 5:10 AM
"Good news finally. He had a two minute conversation!!! Yay!!! Then was out." We are still seeing improvements to Daniel's health!
May 28th 2019- 2:30 AM
KTLA aired a story about all the victims involved last night at 10/11:00 PM. Here is the link for the article and video:
May 27th 2019- 10:29 AM
We just got news that Daniel's CAT scan looked great! The brain bleeding did not worsen during the 36 hour observational period and that is the best news we could have gotten after being put back into ICU. Daniel's state is still the same and the doctors are saying that his brain injury will likely take 6+ months to improve. We still have faith that Daniel will have an easy recovery. Please keep sending prayers! They are working! <3 <3
May 27th 2019- 9:02 AM
Daniel arrived safely to the new hospital! He is waking more often, and that is very good sign for us at this point! We had to go through a room change this morning, one that involved going back into an ICU room. No news about the CAT scan yet (from my end- Violet here!), however I did get word that we are waiting on new x-ray results. Based on the results, the surgeons will make their decision on which surgery to perform first. The surgeries will be step one for Daniel's long recovery, and we are all very excited to see what route we can take in moving forward.
May 26th 2019- 6:51 PM
The doctors have cleared Daniel for transport to Los Angeles tonight where he will stay at Kaiser Sunset. Please pray for Daniel's safe departure and arrival!
May 26th 2019 - 6:30 PM
Daniel is expected to make it through! He has been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past day but has been able to communicate little things such as I love yous and personal needs. He is able to recognize family members for the little time that he is conscious, and that means a tremendous amount to us, words cannot describe!
Now, with the good news, must always come the tough news also. We are still unsure of how bad his brain injury is, and we are continuing to hope for the best. At the moment, we are most likely to pursue treating him for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) before considering any additional surgeries. Daniel went in for a CAT scan a few hours ago, and we are just awaiting the results to tell us how bad his brain bleeding was.
CDC defines a traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a disruption in the normal function of the brain that can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or penetrating head injury. Everyone is at risk for a TBI, especially children and older adults. For more information, please see: https://www.cdc.gov/traumaticbraininjury/index.html
May 26th 2019
"Just so you know Daniels in mission hospital Mission Viejo Surgical ICU Room ***. He has a brain bleed. He's in a concussion right now. Broken clavicle, broken scapula, completely shattered arm liver cut and punctured lung. Broken nose and the bones in his face are smashed. Broken teeth. The plastic surgeon put him partially back together."
We are currently awaiting the 36 hour observational period where we hope to receive more positive news continuing forward. For now, he is able to express his needs for water and have small occasional conversation.
Santiago Canyon Crash DOA 05 25 19 by LAX 237
The video description as follows:
The driver of a small car is dead, two others in critical condition and two others injured. Five people were travelling west on Santiago Canyon Rd when the driver lost control of the car, slamming into a large tree killing the driver instantly and injuring the 4 other passengers. The CHP is investigating the incident and it is unclear whether speed, drugs or alcohol were factors in this crash. Santiago Canyon Rd. will remain closed in both directions until CHP is finished with their investigation.
Some news articles about the incident:
OC Register
OC Register
KTLA News UPDATE- MAY 27 2019- 11:49 PM
KTLA News UPDATE- MAY 28 2019 7:20 PM
OC Register UPDATE- MAY 28 2019 8:11 PM
PATCH News UPDATE- MAY 29 2019 4:30 PM
Co-organizers (3)
Violetta Razo
Garden Grove, CA
Brandi Clark
Anthony Di Leo
Team member
Joshua Marquiz
Team member