Digital Creative Experience
Hi there, my name is Carey Anderson. Six years ago I started teaching at the Beverly Arts Center in Chicago. My subjects included Comic books, Animation, and Video Games to kids who wanted to create and express themselves.
A few months back my classes got dissolved to the dissapointment of my students and their parents. Since then I've gone to location after location to try and keep my classes going but so far no one has had the resources to support my lessons especially video game design.
So I'd like to set up a location to teach kids video games and other computer based arts.
With your support I'll set up a nice safe space with the computers and tools needed to teach all the amazing things you can do with computers.
What specifically are you teaching?
I'll be teaching very similar classes which I taught for the past 6 years but with an emphasis on computer based art. And now with this new class setup I can get into the finer details of each of these subjects to nurture kids creativity.
- Video Games Design
- Comic Books
- Animation
- Photography
- Digital Drawing
- Movie Making
Where is the money going?
First is our location. I'd like to setup in the south suburban area of Chicago. This can run us about $1,500-$3,000 a month and I'd like to start with a few months down payment. The computers would be the next big expenses which would be designed from the ground up to handle the complex programs. With the help of another local business this can be done for about $2,500 for six complete PCs. I'd also like to hire some help to add to the class curriculum and any supplies they may need for their classes.
Will you only be teaching classes?
If everything goes well I'd like to also turn the space into an open studio for other creative people to come in and work. In addition, I'd like to create a video game club where kids can come in play games and even stream online.
When will this all need to be done by?
If we can get everything together by March it'd be perfect.
Can I make a suggestion for a class?
Of course! This project would not be possible with out you so we want to know what you want to learn and if the demand is high and the teacher is available we'll teach it.