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Sandside Lodge School Sponsorship

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Meet Harrison; my wife's, cousin's son! Harrison is a wonderful young man who has Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties with additional medical needs.

He is full of energy, smiles and vocalisations.

Harrison attends Sandside Lodge School  in Ulverston, Cumbria, UK, for pupils with a range of special needs.

He communicates through facial expressions, vocalisations, some gestures and is beginning to use switches to indicate his choices. In school Harrison enjoys being out of his wheelchair and is learning to sit up independently.

He has a range of sensory toys he enjoys exploring and likes to be in the MILE (Multi-sensory Interactive Learning Environment) listening and interacting with stories, bright colours and lights.

To help the school to purchase the latest multi-sensory equipment to support Harrison and his school friends, I am going to be running my first marathon! I have entered the Dubai Marathon, taking place in mid-January 2016, and the training programme is now in full force!!!

Every Friday morning at 5am I am out pounding the streets of Dubai, to try and lose that beer gut and get into shape to make it around the 42km's! I am hoping that you can help out to get me round the course and really make a significant difference to the quality of support that the amazing staff at Sandside Lodge School can provide.

Anything you are able to offer will make a huge difference!

Sandside Lodge School offers a strong pupil-centred ethos to ensure that young people enjoy a highly positive and successful educational experience. It also ensures that current and future pupils will be encouraged to achieve their very best.

Thanks again for your support!



Jon Barber

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt