Supporting our high school seniors
Tax deductible
Elizabeth’s Promise Awards is a non-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization that dedicates one hundred percent of its gross proceeds to the college-related costs of deserving Elizabeth seniors. We need your help. Without the generosity of donors like you, we will be unable to provide the financial assistance necessary for our young people to further their education.
Your gift, whether it be a $25 donation or a $1000 contribution will go a long way in impacting the life of a student. Your support is so much more than financial in nature. Your assistance sends a very special message to a young person, “You show promise.” What a powerful message for a student to receive as he/she embarks upon one of the most important of life’s journeys! And you have the power to make it happen. This year we are encouraged and very pleased that some of our applicants have IEPS and 504 plans. These students may attend college and/or some post secondary training. Thus, they meet the criteria to receive an award.
We need your help to keep the promise alive – our promise to our students that we will support them in their endeavors, as well as the promise they show as young scholars entering academia. Last year we awarded 52 scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. No donation is too small. We have received some large donations ($1,000) but most of our donors contribute between $25 and $50. Can we count on your support?
If you have any questions, please contact me by writing to [email redacted]
Frank Cuesta
Elizabeth, NJ
Elizabeths Promise Awards Inc