Help Me Learn, Grow, Teach & Create
Hello and welcome! I am honoured that you have checked out my page. I'm Christina Jonas, a professional musician and founder of Pro Expression Music School & Creative Alliance in Melbourne, Australia. You find me on the brink of EPIC Greek Musical Mission, as I re-locate to Athens to immerse myself in my Greek heritage, and in the music and language of my parents’ culture. My vision is to LEARN, CREATE, RECORD, INSPIRE and CONNECT through music, to SUSTAIN and GROW my current business, and to SHARE the love and support I receive with charities and people in genuine need. It’s an incredibly intense and involved mission I'm taking upon myself, and one that I hope will bring joy, beauty and creativity to many, through the power of music.. I also hope to be able to bring insight and inspiration to those outside of Greek culture, and thus directly and dndirectly create employment opportunities to many in need in a country in the worst crisis of its modern history. I know I can do this and create, nurture and support great things for a lot of people in both Melbourne and Greece respectively, but I really need your help.
As you can tell, there is a strong personal connection for me, but I also believe that this project is part of a bigger picture. We are all too aware of the devastating crisis that has been unfolding in Greece in recent years, but the picture we get from media reports is a poor reflection of the reality: an optimistic, vibrant and colourful culture. Even in the midst of obvious poverty and dereliction, there is a sense of energy, innovation, and togetherness, and live music plays a powerful part in this. Family and friends regularly come together for lively gigs at local taverns, and it is clear that the music connects people, and gives an opportunity for reflection: a chance to let go, forget their troubles, and truly express themselves. The stories behind the songs are often well-known and much-loved, and people freely join in, without inhibition – singing, playing or dancing along. Everyone is accepted and included. Greek music is organic, authentic and absolutely extraordinary. This is what I want to contribute to, and be a part of. This is what I want to invest in, nurture, and communicate to the world. With your help, I want to share not only the music, but the stories behind the songs; of life and love, perseverance and resilience, wisdom and hope, for all people and for all time.
By immersing myself deeply in Greek culture and music, I intend to learn, create, perform, write and teach; extending and developing myself as a teacher and musician through recording and performance projects, growing through my own journey of self-development, while also strengthening ties between Australian and Greek musicians, educators and the wider community.
During my next 2 years in Greece, I will:
LEARN advanced Greek so that I can fully appreciate the lyrical content of Greek folk and blues music (rembetika and smyrneika) and other regional traditional Greek songs of historical and emotional significance.
COLLECT & COLLATE live traditional Greek music samples (legally and with appropriate permissions) and interviews for the sake of private research, learning, educating others and promoting culture. No samples will be on-sold and no money will be made from such samples, and of course all musicians credited.
LEARN to play Greek stringed instruments – including the traditional bouzouki and dzouras – and the aural art form of Greek singing, by spending time with Greek musicians, busking and jamming on the streets and in the tavernas of Athens, learning through conversations and lessons about the significance of music in everyday society, and delving deeper into the historical context through contacts in the academic community.
CREATE concert programs and a touring production with the intention for these to be performed in different parts of Greece and in Melbourne upon return, showcasing the many styles of music that have inspired and shaped my experience. The aim is to strengthen the emotional ties that bind us together as human beings, regardless of cultures we were born into.
SHARE my experiences through regular blogging, connecting with my students and peers around the world, and building links between the Australian and Greek musical communities. I'll also be writing music and recording an album, with the aim of connecting and educating, sharing rich stories, and helping to encourage genuine relationship and communication across the miles.
CONTRIBUTE a portion of the proceeds from my first album – ‘In The Cradle Of Truth & Dreams’ – to Beyond Blue : an important Australian charity that helps people alleviate depression and get the support they need to feel reconnected within themselves and to society. A portion of proceeds from a series of special concert performances in later 2016 will go to help support the Animal Welfare Organisation of Serres ('FOS') : a group in northern Greece who are working tirelessly, and out of their own pockets, to rescue, feed and medically treat the huge numbers of abandoned animals. Each week I want to also donate my time to give up to 6-8 hours of music lessons, English and goal-setting, and business ideas guidance sessions for free to disadvantaged people of all ages whom need/ want and have a desire to learn, if my living expenses budget can accommodate - only with your help. Upon return to Melbourne in 2 years time, I plan to also sell - through Pro Expression Music School & Creative Alliance - some of the musical instruments I have acquired, and the proceeds to go to disadvantaged individuals, families and community programs in Athens.
I believe in this project, and the impact it will have, but this is a huge leap of faith and I can't do it alone.
Here is a more detailed breakdown of what your support will enable me to do:
PURCHASE OF MUSICAL EQUIPMENT – For self-study of Greek songs, performing fund-raising recitals, teaching students in Greece and my Australian-based students (over Skype), recording ongoing mini-lessons for our new YouTube channel, and for writing and recording music in Greece for my album and show. At the end of my time in Greece, I will donate these instruments to a local disadvantaged school or relevant charity.
I will need to buy a professional, full-sized Yamaha electric piano, sustain pedal, music and instrument stands and adjustable stool, and traditional Greek stringed instruments: a dzouras, an authentic bouzouki and santouri and/ or lute. ($5,000 AUD)
TUITION IN GREEK LANGUAGE AND MUSIC - Private lessons with musicians and language teachers as well as text books and music books/ programs. Formal Greek language tuition will upgrade my 40-year old village Greek and enable me to study the lyrics of traditional songs. I will develop my music skills on traditional instruments intensively, aiming to have 2-3 2hr private music lessons in order to immerse myself and learn as fast and methodically as possible, practicing everyday as I am accustomed to doing with instruments I've learned my whole life, only now it's with completely foreign folk instruments in a style of music I must learn from the beginning and quickly, so that I can perform, educate others and record authentically, and pass on this musical legacy on my return to Australia as well as set up learning, teaching and performance opportunities for myself and for students, musicians, teachers and community-based projects in Greece alike. Money that goes into learning is always an investment, one of the most important investments I believe, because we teachers learn more in order to teach and help others develop more. (I am asking in this campaign of mine for assistance with just half of my extensive projected learning expenses over these 2 years: $12,000 AUD)
Ensuring continuity and sustainability for my staff and students. Funding will support the engagement of specialised casual staff in the areas of singing and piano teaching, administration and marketing, as well as a portion of the operating and maintenance costs. The goal is to ensure that my school continues to grow and thrive, inspiring and empowering people to explore their musical creativity with confidence and passion. (A quarter of my costs for staff, operational and meaintenance costs: $5,000 AUD)
Helping fund a third of my basic rental, utilities, internet and security expenses, as I'll need a dedicated space that I can live in and have an appropirate space to practice, rehearse, teach and record in central Athens. (Just a quarter of expected rental expense across 2 years: $6,500 AUD)
Hiring 1-2 other musicians to help record and co-produce my album, and for mastering and post-production. ($2,500 AUD)
I know I am asking a lot, but this is a huge vision, with great scope, and I wholeheartedly believe in it. I have personally invested over $7,500 into this project, but I need your support to realise its full potential.
I have been a professional musician for 17 years: primarily, a classical and opera singer, but also a multi-instrumentalist with over 30 years’ experience of study, practice and performance. In 2003, I founded Pro Expression Music School & Creative Alliance : a unique music school, using neuro-linguistic programming-based, cutting-edge psychology and accelerated learning skills. You can find out more here: Pro Expression Welcome Video
As Director/Manager, Senior Teaching Specialist, a qualified NLP Master Practitioner, and Specialist Hypnotherapist, I have built my school on holistic philosophies. I want to help people learn to play and appreciate music, but more than that, I want to equip them with the tools they need to improve their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing, and ultimately, help them to enjoy life in all its breadth and beauty. My school is my legacy, and although it is still small in the great scheme of things, it enjoys a highly-respected professional reputation in our local music, education and health communities. In our 12 years of business, we have also assisted many corporate clients in team-building, communication workshops, health and wellbeing.
The only thing I love more than performing is releasing others to do it. Music has inspired and challenged me to grow and overcome many of life's ups and downs, helping me – mentally and emotionally – to heal and to thrive. I am proud to teach people of all ages, and to see them grow in confidence, feel empowered, and unleash their creativity – whether for an audience of 10,000, or simply for themselves. I have always loved helping people, and have always believed in the power of music to heal and inspire, so this is what I will continue to do for the rest of my life.
For various reasons, my own health, vitality and musical projects have had to take a back seat recently, but I am now ready to re-claim my self and re-focus my energy on the things that make me come alive. It is only from this place of refreshment and fulfilment that I will be able to teach, nurture and release others with a renewed energy and passion.
My mission is in memory and honour of my grandfather, who passed away 6 weeks ago: a forever-strong, reliable yet quiet man, who endured a hard journey without a single complaint, and always made others feel cared for and supported. It is also to honour my close family, who pulled together to tend to him, day and night, throughout the battle, and taught me the true meaning of relentless love and connection. Without them, I wouldn't have the courage to begin this epic journey.
I am ready to make this happen: my heart is engraved with my mission, and I am all set to prove that magic exists in human connection across time and oceans. With your support, I'll be able to keep my team employed and my students and clients looked after with regular lessons. I'll be able to learn as much as I can for as long as it may take, and enhance my ability to help and empower more people, and to build a beautiful, moving and inspiring musical legacy for future generations.
Believe in me, and I won’t let you down. I am deeply thankful for anything you can give, and as an expression of my gratitude I am offering a variety of different rewards, just for you! Thank-you, truly, for your interest, support and generosity.
With warmest wishes and humble regards,
Christina Jonas
Enjoy listening to a sample of my personal recordings of various musical styles, including first Greek classical songs I've recorded recently, here: Christina Jonas on SoundCloud