ExCEL A Child's Education
Would you like to make a contribution to help students in the South Nashville Edgehill Community ExCEL and be prepared in the subject content area of S.T.E.M .(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) for the upcoming year 2017-2018 school year?
HELP US, HELP THEM get a head start during this summer enrichment session to move them in a positive direction and ExCEL in their future.
ExCEL, Inc., the acronym for Excellence in Curriculum, Exploring and Learning, will implement a Summer Enrichment Program targeting youth in grades 1 – 6 who reside in the Edgehill Community of South Nashville, to give assistance with the core subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, as well as Language Arts, Computer Literacy, and Health and Wellness.
The Program, which will be housed at Greater Bethel AME Church in the heart of Edgehill, will run for six weeks, during the Summer months of June and July, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Instruction will be provided by certified teachers / professionals; transportation will be available to and from the Program; snacks and meals will be provided.
The NEEDS list (intended use of funds) includes:
- Student Sponsors for each student is $50 per week for six weeks
- School Supplies
- Computer software
- Meals (breakfast, snack, and lunch)
- Assistance with field trips
- Back to school backpacks with school supplies
- Participation in a one-week STEM Program at Tennessee State University
- Field Trips
If you live in Metro Davidson County and would like for your child to participate in the program please feel free to contact:
Marcia Fugh Joseph
ExCEL, Inc.
Limited spots available. Total number of students enrolled for program is 40.
Your humanitarian efforts of giving will lead this program in Pursuit of Excellence for our students.