ICSC Year End Fundraising Campaign
Tax deductible
This year, we ask you to join us as we choose to celebrate the Islamic Center's achievements in the face of adversity. As we reflect back on 2016, we are grateful for the challenges that our community has faced because they have in fact strengthened us. We couldn't have accomplished so much without your support, the dedication of our staff and the guidance of our leadership.
- When our Center was threatened, our community leaders came together and created a Security Task Force to increase active security personnel on the premises and develop a comprehensive safety plan for years to come.
- When the freedoms of our Muslim brothers and sisters were publicly challenged, our interfaith friends showed up on our doorstep to support us with flowers, sweets, and messages of love.
- When hate mail was received at the ICSC and mosques in seven states across the country, the FBI and law enforcement officials chose to hold a press conference at the Islamic Center and discuss their ongoing investigation.
Thank you for all that you have done in 2016 to redefine our narrative and to maintain the forward trajectory of our Center.
At our Center
- The ICSC Board elected its first female chairperson, Ms. Hedab Tarifi.
- 400 people attended our Labor Day Picnic at Griffith Park (Hosted by our newly established Social Services Committee).
- Nia Malika Dixon was recently hired as our new part-time Youth Coordinator.
- We celebrated our first year with our Communications Coordinator, Kristen Stangas.
With our Interfaith Friends
- We stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our Muslim, Jewish, and Christian brothers and sisters in our mile-long walk, "March in the Path of the Prophet Abraham."
- Seventy faith leaders from across L.A. chose to host "Sacred Resistance and Sanctuary" at the ICSC to discuss engagement and action strategies for the days ahead.
- Our enriching Open Mosque Day program gave us another opportunity to meet and reconnect with our neighbors and interfaith partners.
With our Civic Leaders
- California Attorney General Kamala Harris, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, and L.A. Sheriff Jim McDonnell all spoke at our Eid Prayer services.
- LAPD Chief Mike Downing has frequented our Center to meet our members and discuss safety measures with our community. He attended our New Horizon Town Hall meeting and met with parents to address the violent threats made toward the ICSC.
We are incredibly blessed to have you - our positive, resilient members who are committed to ensuring the Islamic Center is our spiritual home for today, tomorrow and years to come.
So, as 2016 comes to a close, we humbly ask you to open your hearts and pocketbooks and DONATE generously to the Islamic Center.
With your contributions, we plan to develop fresh, new programs like Family Fun Night and Elders events. We will also put a special emphasis on our interfaith and community initiatives as we enter into a new era of American history. And finally, we have started working on plans to make improvements to our building. In our efforts to keep our community safe, we have determined that it is time to upgrade our security system and install an automatic gate in our driveway.
These are just a few of the many ways that your donation will benefit the Islamic Center. We have until Dec. 31 to raise the remaining $200,000 and meet our goal. Please DONATE today.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
*All donations are tax deductible*
- When our Center was threatened, our community leaders came together and created a Security Task Force to increase active security personnel on the premises and develop a comprehensive safety plan for years to come.
- When the freedoms of our Muslim brothers and sisters were publicly challenged, our interfaith friends showed up on our doorstep to support us with flowers, sweets, and messages of love.
- When hate mail was received at the ICSC and mosques in seven states across the country, the FBI and law enforcement officials chose to hold a press conference at the Islamic Center and discuss their ongoing investigation.
Thank you for all that you have done in 2016 to redefine our narrative and to maintain the forward trajectory of our Center.
At our Center
- The ICSC Board elected its first female chairperson, Ms. Hedab Tarifi.
- 400 people attended our Labor Day Picnic at Griffith Park (Hosted by our newly established Social Services Committee).
- Nia Malika Dixon was recently hired as our new part-time Youth Coordinator.
- We celebrated our first year with our Communications Coordinator, Kristen Stangas.
With our Interfaith Friends
- We stood shoulder-to-shoulder with our Muslim, Jewish, and Christian brothers and sisters in our mile-long walk, "March in the Path of the Prophet Abraham."
- Seventy faith leaders from across L.A. chose to host "Sacred Resistance and Sanctuary" at the ICSC to discuss engagement and action strategies for the days ahead.
- Our enriching Open Mosque Day program gave us another opportunity to meet and reconnect with our neighbors and interfaith partners.
With our Civic Leaders
- California Attorney General Kamala Harris, L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti, and L.A. Sheriff Jim McDonnell all spoke at our Eid Prayer services.
- LAPD Chief Mike Downing has frequented our Center to meet our members and discuss safety measures with our community. He attended our New Horizon Town Hall meeting and met with parents to address the violent threats made toward the ICSC.
We are incredibly blessed to have you - our positive, resilient members who are committed to ensuring the Islamic Center is our spiritual home for today, tomorrow and years to come.
So, as 2016 comes to a close, we humbly ask you to open your hearts and pocketbooks and DONATE generously to the Islamic Center.
With your contributions, we plan to develop fresh, new programs like Family Fun Night and Elders events. We will also put a special emphasis on our interfaith and community initiatives as we enter into a new era of American history. And finally, we have started working on plans to make improvements to our building. In our efforts to keep our community safe, we have determined that it is time to upgrade our security system and install an automatic gate in our driveway.
These are just a few of the many ways that your donation will benefit the Islamic Center. We have until Dec. 31 to raise the remaining $200,000 and meet our goal. Please DONATE today.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
*All donations are tax deductible*
Islamic Center of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA
Islamic Center of Southern California