Guthrie Family's Health Crisis
Donation protected
Alcohol is a terrible demon and has destroyed the life of a young father. Please help me help my family recover from his tragic passing, with any donation that you may be able to spare.
My dear niece, Susan, who is the daughter of my late sister, Kim Kasemodel Karas, may her memory be eternal, has lost her husband, Bobby.
This is Robert "Bobby" Guthrie, with his daughter, Abby, back in 2002.
Susan with Abby, Bobby, grandmother Therese Kasemodel, and cousin, Ellie, 2002.
Bob's liver, kidney, and pancreas completely failed from severe and chronic alcohol poisoning. He spent 29 days in the I.C.U. in July and August.
A liver transplant was the only thing that could have saved his life. However, he was not a candidate for a transplant in his condition. He entered hospice just before this campaign was launched on Wed., August 26, and he passed away on Wednesday, September 2, 2015. He was 39.
Thank you for your prayers.
Bob's devoted wife, Susan, remained at his side, along with their four children, ages 13, 10, and the twins who are 5.
Happier days when Abby was a baby.
The twins, Brooklyn and Holly.
Bobby's son, Jake.
All 4 children, Holly, Jake, Abby and Brookyn, at Jake's 10th birthday party this past spring.
Thank God, Susan had the foresight to keep paying Bobby's premiums on the COBRA health insurance after he lost his job last year. However, COBRA will only cover 80% of the medical bills. We are estimating the cost of his care in I.C.U. at $10K per day for 29 days, with additional days in hospice, at around $300,000. Twenty percent is $60,000. Actual costs may be higher.
Susan is a loving, strong, and devoted mother to her four children. She has endured many difficult years, working full-time to support the family, going through health crises of her own, and helping her husband get through re-hab, several times. She tried hard love, kicking him out to get him to sober up, and for a while it worked. He attended AA religiously and eventually returned to the family, able to hold a job again for a few years. But the demon of alcohol addiction was too great. It took him.
We know that Bobby tried valiantly. Please pray for Bobby. We know from many holy elders and saints that prayers and almsgiving for the dead are very important, and help them tremendously on the other side.
We will always remember the carefree, fun-loving, and devoted son, husband, and father that Bobby was, before alcohol consumed his life.

We hope and pray his life serves as a warning for young people, couples, and families everywhere.
Do not take alcohol for granted.
Do not make alcohol central to your enjoyment of life and family.
It harbors great danger, can sneak up on you and get hold of you by the throat. Don't let what happened to this good man and beautiful family happen to anyone you love.
July, 2015.
We would like to extend our deep gratitude and condolences to Bobby's family. They have been very supportive to Susan and the children throughout this entire ordeal, helping with the children and financially as much as they can. We thank God for them.
And we thank God, as well, for the company for whom Susan works. She has been with them only a short time, and thankfully they are holding her full-time job for her, although they had to greatly reduce her pay during the final month she was unable to work. It gives her great comfort to know she has a full-time job and will be able to go back to work to support the family.
Spending so many hours running to the hospital, she has not been able to work. The bills are piling up. She is so very, very grateful to you, for your prayers and support.
Thank you for your prayers and support for the Guthrie family. They have been through some very dark times. Your loving prayers for light and protection are greatly appreciated.
Susan's severe financial need has stressed the resources of our entire family, on both sides. We ask and we thank you so much for helping us relieve a part of her burden, so that she can stay healthy, rebuild her life, and care for her beautiful children.
Thank you so much!
Warm Regards,
Susan's Aunt Laurel
P.S. Any amount that you can spare--even if only $5--will be greatly appreciated. If everyone who visits just puts in a few dollars, it will add up to really helping this family at this time of crisis. Thank you and please also share this link.
P.P.S. If you would like to donate in memory of any of your loved ones, we will gladly add them to our prayers as well. Thank you.
p.p.p.s. Prayers and almsgiving benefit the dead on the other side. Please pray for Bobby. Thank you.
O God of spirits, and of all flesh, who have trampled down death, and overthrown the devil, and given life unto your world: Do you, the same Lord, give rest to the soul of your departed servant, Robert, in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sorrow, and sighing have fled away. Pardon every transgression which he has committed, whether by word, or deed, or thought. For you are a good God, and lovest mankind; because there is no man who lives and sins not; for you only are without sin, and your righteousness is to all eternity, and your word is true. For you are the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of your servant Robert, who has fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and unto you do we ascribe glory, together with your Father, who is from everlasting, and your all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit: now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
My dear niece, Susan, who is the daughter of my late sister, Kim Kasemodel Karas, may her memory be eternal, has lost her husband, Bobby.

Bob's liver, kidney, and pancreas completely failed from severe and chronic alcohol poisoning. He spent 29 days in the I.C.U. in July and August.
A liver transplant was the only thing that could have saved his life. However, he was not a candidate for a transplant in his condition. He entered hospice just before this campaign was launched on Wed., August 26, and he passed away on Wednesday, September 2, 2015. He was 39.
Thank you for your prayers.
Bob's devoted wife, Susan, remained at his side, along with their four children, ages 13, 10, and the twins who are 5.

Thank God, Susan had the foresight to keep paying Bobby's premiums on the COBRA health insurance after he lost his job last year. However, COBRA will only cover 80% of the medical bills. We are estimating the cost of his care in I.C.U. at $10K per day for 29 days, with additional days in hospice, at around $300,000. Twenty percent is $60,000. Actual costs may be higher.
Susan is a loving, strong, and devoted mother to her four children. She has endured many difficult years, working full-time to support the family, going through health crises of her own, and helping her husband get through re-hab, several times. She tried hard love, kicking him out to get him to sober up, and for a while it worked. He attended AA religiously and eventually returned to the family, able to hold a job again for a few years. But the demon of alcohol addiction was too great. It took him.
We know that Bobby tried valiantly. Please pray for Bobby. We know from many holy elders and saints that prayers and almsgiving for the dead are very important, and help them tremendously on the other side.
We will always remember the carefree, fun-loving, and devoted son, husband, and father that Bobby was, before alcohol consumed his life.

We hope and pray his life serves as a warning for young people, couples, and families everywhere.
Do not take alcohol for granted.
Do not make alcohol central to your enjoyment of life and family.
It harbors great danger, can sneak up on you and get hold of you by the throat. Don't let what happened to this good man and beautiful family happen to anyone you love.

We would like to extend our deep gratitude and condolences to Bobby's family. They have been very supportive to Susan and the children throughout this entire ordeal, helping with the children and financially as much as they can. We thank God for them.
And we thank God, as well, for the company for whom Susan works. She has been with them only a short time, and thankfully they are holding her full-time job for her, although they had to greatly reduce her pay during the final month she was unable to work. It gives her great comfort to know she has a full-time job and will be able to go back to work to support the family.
Spending so many hours running to the hospital, she has not been able to work. The bills are piling up. She is so very, very grateful to you, for your prayers and support.
Thank you for your prayers and support for the Guthrie family. They have been through some very dark times. Your loving prayers for light and protection are greatly appreciated.
Susan's severe financial need has stressed the resources of our entire family, on both sides. We ask and we thank you so much for helping us relieve a part of her burden, so that she can stay healthy, rebuild her life, and care for her beautiful children.
Thank you so much!
Warm Regards,
Susan's Aunt Laurel
P.S. Any amount that you can spare--even if only $5--will be greatly appreciated. If everyone who visits just puts in a few dollars, it will add up to really helping this family at this time of crisis. Thank you and please also share this link.
P.P.S. If you would like to donate in memory of any of your loved ones, we will gladly add them to our prayers as well. Thank you.
p.p.p.s. Prayers and almsgiving benefit the dead on the other side. Please pray for Bobby. Thank you.
O God of spirits, and of all flesh, who have trampled down death, and overthrown the devil, and given life unto your world: Do you, the same Lord, give rest to the soul of your departed servant, Robert, in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sorrow, and sighing have fled away. Pardon every transgression which he has committed, whether by word, or deed, or thought. For you are a good God, and lovest mankind; because there is no man who lives and sins not; for you only are without sin, and your righteousness is to all eternity, and your word is true. For you are the Resurrection, and the Life, and the Repose of your servant Robert, who has fallen asleep, O Christ our God, and unto you do we ascribe glory, together with your Father, who is from everlasting, and your all-holy, and good, and life-creating Spirit: now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Susan Guthrie
Cedarburg, WI