Help Lisa Weitz fight cancer
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Hi everyone, for more than a decade I have been blessed with a very dear friend Lisa Weitz. Lisa has acted tirelessly as our manager/booking agent/publicist and has honorary band membership in Sultans of String. She is hands-down the nicest person I have ever come across in the music business and is always looking out for, and helping others.
Many people know of Lisa though her amazing work supporting the music of others nationally and internationally. Lisa was also Hugh's Room’s first publicist from 2001-2008, and has worked on management/publicity for the much missed Taylor Mitchell, Mose Scarlett, the Andrew Collins Trio, April Verch, Kiran Ahluwalia, Anne Lindsay, Qristina & Quinn Bachand, Jon Brooks, Enoch Kent, Jaffa Road, Art Garfunkel, ArtsCan Circle, a fundraiser for the Mariposa Folk Fest and a host of other wonderful artists in our midst. Before working with musicians, she was communications coordinator at ARCH, a legal resource centre for persons with disabilities.
Lisa is dealing with a recent diagnosis of aggressive HER2-positive breast cancer. She has had to scale back on her work at a time when her expenses are much higher dealing with all this. Her supplements and medicine, plus transportation to and from all her treatments and scans has made navigating this difficult journey even harder.
Lisa has been undergoing chemotherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital and is also working hard to boost her strength with a complementary care practitioner. The good news is that the cancer does not appear to have metastasized outside the breast and so we are all extremely hopeful for her recovery. She is one of the strongest people I know and is trying to stay positive through this ordeal.
Lisa has dedicated so much love, time and energy to helping us and other musicians with our careers and we want to do what we can to give back.
We hope that you may be able to make a donation to help ease this financial and emotional stress. The requested amount has been set to $1, because no amount is too small and would be appreciated more than you can know. Funds will go directly to Lisa to help cover her lost income and mounting bills.
Thanks for considering this, and please share with others.
With love,
Chris McKhool
Sultans of String
PS: Lisa wanted to share her list of supplements/tinctures and their particular uses in treatment/prevention She’s been finding these very helpful and hopes that you or your loved ones find it helpful too.
Alpha Lipoic Acid – ALA
Immune system, liver/kidney/heart support, clears chemo toxicity
--- 300-500g/3x day, take 30 min before meal or 2 hours after
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check with doctor/holistic practitioner
Astragalus (liquid tincture or capsules)
Anti-cancerous, immune system, heart health, regulates/prevents diabetes, helps body tolerate chemo better
--- 2 droppers/2x day or 2 capsules/2x day, without food
Celery Juice
Autoimmune diseases, thyroid conditions, inflammation, liver health, blood sugar issues
16oz of freshly juiced organic celery (don’t add water, lemon or other fruits/veg, just the celery)
First thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
For more info, go to https://www.medicalmedium.com/medical-medium-celery-juice-movement.htm
Chaga mushroom – dual extracted, tincture:
Anti-cancerous properties
Get either:
--“Chag-o-power” (brand: North American Herb & Spice)
20+ drops under tongue or in water/juice.
Harmonic Arts or Host Defense brands
– 2 droppers (it self-measures), 3x/day, with or without food.
You can also order it online:
CoQ10 – “Ubiquinol”
– Anti-cancerous properties, heart health
--- 300mg/day, with food containing good fat like olive oil, nuts
Coriolus mushroom (tincture) – triple extracted . It’s also known as “Turkey Tail” mushroom because of its shape/colouring (brand- Host defense or Harmonic Arts)
--- anti-cancerous properties, especially good for breast cancer.
--- 2 droppers full, 3x/day
D3 drops – “D-Mulsion 1000” (brand: Genestra)
-- boosts immune system, bone health, reduces inflammation
--- 5000 IU/day (liquid) Because the liquid form is fat-soluble, you can take this with or without food.
Flaxseed (make sure it’s ground or buy whole and grind yourself, but do not ingest whole as the medicinal properties can’t be absorbed
--- anti-cancerous
--- 25g or 2 Tablespoons/day
Iodine – “Detoxadine” (from the Global Healing Center)
Immune and thyroid support; detoxification; cancer prevention, particularly thyroid, breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate
1 drop/day
Or eat kelp, seaweed (1 serving/day)
Iron (brand: Trophic)
Low hemoglobin/anemia
--- each caplet has 25g of elemental iron, so depending on the counts, cut in half or take whole.
N-A-C (brand: AOR)
--- anti-cancerous properties
--- take 500 mg/3x day, with food, ideally with some kind of good fat like nuts, avocado, coconut oil etc
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check with doctor/alternative practitioner
--- you can buy it online and most health food stores have it
Omega 3 (brand: NutraSea)
--- heart health, immune system, anti-cancerous
--- make sure it’s 750 mg EPA, 250mg DHA (it will say that on the bottle)
Pau d’arco tea (brands: Harmonic Arts or Organic Connections)
The package must say inner bark, as this is where the medicinal properties are)
--- Anti-cancerous properties, immune system boost
--- 4 measuring cups/day
--- Preparation: measure out 30 heaping tablespoons per 40 cups of water. Bring water to a boil, then add bark and keep at a low boil for 30min. Cool and strain. Store in glass jars in fridge, don’t use microwave to re-heat.
Probiotic “Recovery SAP” (brand: NFH)
– boosts immune system
-- 2x/day, with food
Turmeric liquid gel caps (brand: Botanica or Curcumin Active)
--- anti-cancerous properties, anti-inflammatory, boosts liver function
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check first
--- 5g /3x day, with food
Vitamin C
--- immune system
--- 1000mg/day with food containing good fat
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check first
Get organic wherever possible in order to avoid cancer-causing pesticides/herbicides, antibiotics (in meats), hormones, etc. https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php#dirty-dozen
Lots of vegetables, especially cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale
Raw broccoli sprouts (note: if you’re doing chemo, radiation or surgery, wait until these are completed).
• to heal cancer: 2.5 ounces of broccoli sprouts per day
• to prevent cancer: 2.5 ounces of broccoli sprouts every third day
Healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pumpkin and other seeds
Lentils, kidney beans, black beans, chick peas, etc.
Fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, basil, dill, etc
If you eat seafood such as salmon, trout, sardines, get wild, not farmed.
If you eat meat, organic chicken - avoid red meats
Avoid sugar, carbohydrates like bread/pasta/rice which convert to sugar (cancer loves sugar). https://liveenergized.com/quit-sugar/complete-guide-sugars-sweeteners-healthy-alternatives/
Create an alkaline diet / avoid acidic diet - https://learn.liveenergized.com/ar-2
Many people know of Lisa though her amazing work supporting the music of others nationally and internationally. Lisa was also Hugh's Room’s first publicist from 2001-2008, and has worked on management/publicity for the much missed Taylor Mitchell, Mose Scarlett, the Andrew Collins Trio, April Verch, Kiran Ahluwalia, Anne Lindsay, Qristina & Quinn Bachand, Jon Brooks, Enoch Kent, Jaffa Road, Art Garfunkel, ArtsCan Circle, a fundraiser for the Mariposa Folk Fest and a host of other wonderful artists in our midst. Before working with musicians, she was communications coordinator at ARCH, a legal resource centre for persons with disabilities.
Lisa is dealing with a recent diagnosis of aggressive HER2-positive breast cancer. She has had to scale back on her work at a time when her expenses are much higher dealing with all this. Her supplements and medicine, plus transportation to and from all her treatments and scans has made navigating this difficult journey even harder.
Lisa has been undergoing chemotherapy at Princess Margaret Hospital and is also working hard to boost her strength with a complementary care practitioner. The good news is that the cancer does not appear to have metastasized outside the breast and so we are all extremely hopeful for her recovery. She is one of the strongest people I know and is trying to stay positive through this ordeal.
Lisa has dedicated so much love, time and energy to helping us and other musicians with our careers and we want to do what we can to give back.
We hope that you may be able to make a donation to help ease this financial and emotional stress. The requested amount has been set to $1, because no amount is too small and would be appreciated more than you can know. Funds will go directly to Lisa to help cover her lost income and mounting bills.
Thanks for considering this, and please share with others.
With love,
Chris McKhool
Sultans of String
PS: Lisa wanted to share her list of supplements/tinctures and their particular uses in treatment/prevention She’s been finding these very helpful and hopes that you or your loved ones find it helpful too.
Alpha Lipoic Acid – ALA
Immune system, liver/kidney/heart support, clears chemo toxicity
--- 300-500g/3x day, take 30 min before meal or 2 hours after
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check with doctor/holistic practitioner
Astragalus (liquid tincture or capsules)
Anti-cancerous, immune system, heart health, regulates/prevents diabetes, helps body tolerate chemo better
--- 2 droppers/2x day or 2 capsules/2x day, without food
Celery Juice
Autoimmune diseases, thyroid conditions, inflammation, liver health, blood sugar issues
16oz of freshly juiced organic celery (don’t add water, lemon or other fruits/veg, just the celery)
First thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
For more info, go to https://www.medicalmedium.com/medical-medium-celery-juice-movement.htm
Chaga mushroom – dual extracted, tincture:
Anti-cancerous properties
Get either:
--“Chag-o-power” (brand: North American Herb & Spice)
20+ drops under tongue or in water/juice.
Harmonic Arts or Host Defense brands
– 2 droppers (it self-measures), 3x/day, with or without food.
You can also order it online:
CoQ10 – “Ubiquinol”
– Anti-cancerous properties, heart health
--- 300mg/day, with food containing good fat like olive oil, nuts
Coriolus mushroom (tincture) – triple extracted . It’s also known as “Turkey Tail” mushroom because of its shape/colouring (brand- Host defense or Harmonic Arts)
--- anti-cancerous properties, especially good for breast cancer.
--- 2 droppers full, 3x/day
D3 drops – “D-Mulsion 1000” (brand: Genestra)
-- boosts immune system, bone health, reduces inflammation
--- 5000 IU/day (liquid) Because the liquid form is fat-soluble, you can take this with or without food.
Flaxseed (make sure it’s ground or buy whole and grind yourself, but do not ingest whole as the medicinal properties can’t be absorbed
--- anti-cancerous
--- 25g or 2 Tablespoons/day
Iodine – “Detoxadine” (from the Global Healing Center)
Immune and thyroid support; detoxification; cancer prevention, particularly thyroid, breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate
1 drop/day
Or eat kelp, seaweed (1 serving/day)
Iron (brand: Trophic)
Low hemoglobin/anemia
--- each caplet has 25g of elemental iron, so depending on the counts, cut in half or take whole.
N-A-C (brand: AOR)
--- anti-cancerous properties
--- take 500 mg/3x day, with food, ideally with some kind of good fat like nuts, avocado, coconut oil etc
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check with doctor/alternative practitioner
--- you can buy it online and most health food stores have it
Omega 3 (brand: NutraSea)
--- heart health, immune system, anti-cancerous
--- make sure it’s 750 mg EPA, 250mg DHA (it will say that on the bottle)
Pau d’arco tea (brands: Harmonic Arts or Organic Connections)
The package must say inner bark, as this is where the medicinal properties are)
--- Anti-cancerous properties, immune system boost
--- 4 measuring cups/day
--- Preparation: measure out 30 heaping tablespoons per 40 cups of water. Bring water to a boil, then add bark and keep at a low boil for 30min. Cool and strain. Store in glass jars in fridge, don’t use microwave to re-heat.
Probiotic “Recovery SAP” (brand: NFH)
– boosts immune system
-- 2x/day, with food
Turmeric liquid gel caps (brand: Botanica or Curcumin Active)
--- anti-cancerous properties, anti-inflammatory, boosts liver function
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check first
--- 5g /3x day, with food
Vitamin C
--- immune system
--- 1000mg/day with food containing good fat
--- can counter-indicate with certain types of chemo so need to check first
Get organic wherever possible in order to avoid cancer-causing pesticides/herbicides, antibiotics (in meats), hormones, etc. https://www.ewg.org/foodnews/summary.php#dirty-dozen
Lots of vegetables, especially cruciferous veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale
Raw broccoli sprouts (note: if you’re doing chemo, radiation or surgery, wait until these are completed).
• to heal cancer: 2.5 ounces of broccoli sprouts per day
• to prevent cancer: 2.5 ounces of broccoli sprouts every third day
Healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, walnuts, almonds, brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pumpkin and other seeds
Lentils, kidney beans, black beans, chick peas, etc.
Fresh herbs like cilantro, parsley, basil, dill, etc
If you eat seafood such as salmon, trout, sardines, get wild, not farmed.
If you eat meat, organic chicken - avoid red meats
Avoid sugar, carbohydrates like bread/pasta/rice which convert to sugar (cancer loves sugar). https://liveenergized.com/quit-sugar/complete-guide-sugars-sweeteners-healthy-alternatives/
Create an alkaline diet / avoid acidic diet - https://learn.liveenergized.com/ar-2
Co-organizers (2)
Chris McKhool
North York, ON
Lisa Weitz
Christine Bode
Team member