Hip Dysplasia Surgery
Donation protected
She's my best friend that has a horrible medical condition but can be fixed. She has hip dysplasia and its so bad that one leg is smaller than the other. She is so embarassed of it but she doesnt let anyone know and hides it as best as she can. Shes a fighter she doesn't take any prescription pain meds because she has seen what they do to people and she gets up and goes to work teaching kids everyday schools open. She is such a beautiful soul and goes out of her way to help so many people. I just wish I could do something very special for her and take this pain away and the only way i could think of how, was to try and reach out to the world to see if they'd like to help a beautiful teacher. A compassionate person who deserves to walk right and be without this pain. If she doesn't have this surgery she will end up immobile and her spine will continue to get worse from the years of it being like this. It's caused scoliosis and it will only get worse. She Will need full bone replacement due to the years of walking like this. She was born with this but it increased progression 13 years ago especially after giving birth. Imagine everytime you took a step your leg bone smashes against your hip and grinding it down not to mention the pain each step from nerves. Each step in front of people she tries her best not to walk different so she doesn't seem different but you notice and she won't wear tight clothing due to the mismatched muscle mass of her legs. She is not a lazy person at all, far from it and even though it hurts her She does what She is supposed to every day. It's admirable and goes to show what kind of a person she is since she puts her students/others and providing for her kids way before herself and She's not one to just sit around and not doing anything. She is doing her very best and living out her passion daily by teaching kids in school and thats what she cares about most.
"Her kids" as she calls her students because she teaches them and cares for them as if they were her own. She has an 8 and 9 yr old son as well. If there is any way you can help me help her and make an unexpected but hopeful dream come true... it would literally be viewed as a miracle from God by so many and appreciated more than you'd ever know by her and anyone that knows and cares to see her be able to walk again without so much pain. I desperately want this for her and she would be so grateful to be able to have the surgery done. It's something shes hoping to have done but is trying not to get her hopes up. Like I said if you knew her you would instantly love being her friend! She doesn't get caught up in gossip and would never say a negative comment about anyone. She's honest, non-judgemental , an excellent teacher/mother/woman, completely selfless with the up most respect from so many and its admirable. She is 34 and I've known her since middle school and honestly the best person I know and I'm lucky to call her my wife! She's done nothing but transpire into an even better role model for her peers and now for her children as she's aged. The only thing stopping her from getting the surgery is the funds and she would never dare ask anyone for it. So I'm taking the liberty to asking because I really truly believe she deserves this. God Bless each and every one of you that can help me help her even if its just a prayer and you cannot afford to donate. Everything is much appreciated. If you need anymore info, please feel free to email me or comment : [email redacted]
Chad Latham
Collierville, TN