UPDATE: BABY HAS A NEW HOME! It is exactly the kind of home her trainer, her vet and Cliff and I wanted for her. Cliff has been struggling to care for her properly so the decision was made to move her sooner than planned. She is in puppy heaven! She has a young family with dogs and other animals, lots of land to run safely on and an adult home during the day, one who is especially skilled in training dogs and pitties in particular. Thank you all for your kind offers to take her--and I hope you will consider opening your homes to other animals in need just waiting for you to notice them, as I did Cliff and Baby.
ORIGINAL POST: I would like to help this man, Cliff, feed and care for himself and his sweet pitty-Australian Shepherd mix puppy, Baby, one he rescued from a man beating her. Cliff cannot speak due to a tracheotomy and Baby is all but totally deaf, they are like hand in glove. Cliff only has six weeks to live, diagnosed with liver cancer, and wants to find a new home for her before he goes into the hospital. Our new trainer, Denise Sbath, recommends a dog-savvy home with well-adjusted dogs. One with a playful, easy-going male would be ideal. I would also like to keep the two of them in their current residential hotel home together, Crossland Suites, for the month or so he has left to live. The weekly rate for the two of them is $366 and the monthly rate is just under $1400. If you live in the Fresno area and can meet me there, you can make a cash payment directly to the hotel. UPDATE: Cliff is now at another nearby motel that suits him much better, not so many rules and much more freedom for him. The rate is $404 per week with his senior discount. There is no other weekly or montly rate but this is where he is doing well so where we will help him to stay.
If you can help in any way, with donations of money, high-qualtity dog or human food, clothing, housing or adoption options for Baby, it would be greatly appreciated. Toys for her and cards or handwritten notes for him are also greatly appreciated. Cliff really loves her, they are attached at the hip, literally, her leash around him at all times, and does all he can for her. Terribly, his $1000 or so coming to him from Social Security for the month of November never reached him, fishy activity on the bank card emptied the deposit the day after it was made, which we are investigating. Because he cannot speak, he could not call the authorities to straighten out the problem so we are visiting the office instead. He was shooed away when he tried on his own to resolve the issue. The next deposit won't arrive until January, when it may be too late to do him any good, but he WOULD like those funds to go toward Baby's care, if it arrives in time.
We have paid for Baby's vetting out of the donations made. She went to my own vet, Dr. Whitney Janzen at the Animal Medical Clinic in the Tower District, and was spayed, boarded for post-surgery observation, vaccinated, microchipped, dewormed and examined overall for a very reasonable rate. Thank you, Dr. Janzen and Gabby and Lydia for all the love you showered on Baby! They also determined during her time there that Baby is deaf and likely a little hard of seeing, too.
Now, we just need to raise funds for ongoing costs of feeding and housing Cliff and Baby for the month of December and January. The aim is to find donors, trusted friends and visitors. Cliff will likely be gone by the end ofJanuary so we also need a permanent wonderful home for Baby by then. Cliff will want to meet you and smooth the transition from his care of Baby to yours. They are sensitive kind souls who have a lot of love to give and receive.
Thank you all for sharing this amazing holiday story that is already beginning to have as happy an ending as we can achieve. And look around you, there is a Cliff or a Baby just waiting for you to notice them.