Hi, My name Alicia but people call me Puck.
I am here today to try and help out a friend. My dear friend Divvy and his family lost their home recently in a fire. He's an amazing person who has been through a lot so I'd like to do what I can to help him.
Ask anyone who knows him and they love him. Whether he's dressing up as Emperor Palpatine and doing his thing with the 501st Legion, making tasty treats for his loved ones, doing his game show thing at various conventions, or just being chill and playing old N64 games in your living room. Div is awesome.
Being as it's getting close to the holidays, and the new Star Wars is coming up, I figure now's the best time to try and help.
The money will be given to Div and his family to use however they need it. They lost a lot of things.
Here are some links about the fire:
I know there are a lot of other bad things going on in the world, so I understand if anyone reading this can't help, but I thank you for reading this at least.