Youth Life Coach Robbed. Needs Help
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Hello friends,
As many of you know for the last month I returned to driving across the country while reflecting on my next life steps after a long depressive episode following my exit from the teaching profession. The trip was exactly what I needed. I’ve determined the direction I’ll be pointing my time and love for working with children. On the morning of Saturday, September 17th while in Colorado I had my light bulb ‘ah ha!’ moment. The world never seemed so bright, I was excited about life again, and decided to return to Austin the next day. On the night of Saturday, September 17th while in Colorado I was car jacked at gun point.
My current situation
The thieves took everything. Left with no ID, money, clothes, means to contact friends, and transportation I spent the following week figuring out how to get home. I drained the money I set aside for my return to Austin life needs (rent, utilities, food, etc) to do so. Now I find myself in a spot where, for as much as I’ve always been about self reliance and handling business independently, I now seek help from the family that is my friends.
When planning my trip back in August I made sure to pay my rent through October. Unfortunately the money for utilities, transportation (thankfully the car wasn’t mine and eventually found), life necessities, pet care, etc is gone. My renewed life direction (described later in this letter) has come to an unforeseen halt as my focus shifts to basic survival. I’ve done the math, created a timeline, and while I wish I could say “I got this” I can’t because I don’t.
Financial help
A friend suggested I give GoFundMe a shot for help. With the job hunt in full swing the aid I'm asking for would go toward keeping a place to live through November, utilities, care for Sweetness, and necessities (clothes, transportation, non-ramen based groceries) as I look for a solution for the financial woes. I know I have the ability and fortitude to make it through my newest life wrinkle and will do what I must to prove it. During my trip I also remembered there’s a reason why I group my friends as my family. It’s because they love me, I love them, and even if it’s just a “here’s a hug for my homie” I appreciate everything we do for one another. This, in a way, leads into my Life Plan 3.0.
Life 3.0
I’ve decided to dedicate my life to driving around the country, stopping in communities where I feel pulled, and volunteering / working with programs (creating them if need be) whose goal is improving the lives of children and families. I’ll also be working one-on-one with children, adults, and families whose lives need some direction and clarity like mine once did. Giving overstressed parents systems for managing their sanity and energetic lil'ns. Helping good people with good hearts who made a stupid mistake in their youth find a quality job in spite of their record. I’ve figured out how to make this journey financially possible, the skills to practice in Austin, connections to make, and general prep. This is only a basic summary of my plans so if anyone would like more details please don’t hesitate to ask. I love talking about it and the suggestions I receive from others.
Even in the midst of all this life craziness my goal is still at the forefront of my mind and always will be. In essence I want to be a traveling healer, especially for those without the financial, physical, or emotional means to help themselves and their loved ones. I’ve gone full hippie status, just minus the odd smells and flower paintings on my car. I’m thinking more pleasantly fragrant with taco inspired racing stripes. Also, I definitely can’t forget about my kitty baby girl Sweetness as my co-pilot. She’ll get a tiny helmet and scarf to blow in the breeze as we enter a new town. Most likely she'll get her own spin-off show and shoe deal. Life is good :)
What I am and want to be
At the end of the day I am a survivor. I am a person who never gives up and figures things out. I won my battle with mental illness to become a teacher. I was triumphant in walking (and dancing) again after my accident back in Philadelphia took that ability from me. I told the universe “haha!” when stranded on a freezing cold mountain at 2am and again when I made it back to Austin. I know I can make it through anything but I also know when to be humble and ask for help.
I wanted and thought I could hit the ground running on my new goal once I got home. Sadly, putting together the pieces can't happen under the current circumstances. With that said I don’t need to be given money to know the people in my life care for and want me to do and be well. Even just a high five and mischievous smirk are enough to keep me going. Thank you all for being the type of people I feel comfortable opening up to and asking for assistance in this form. You all are rock stars of the highest caliber. Keep on keeping on. It's what I plan on doing.
- Elliott Niblack
Elliott Niblack
Austin, TX