Help with medical costs.
Donation protected
2016 was a very bad year...
I had just lost my father and was riding with my friend Manus' as a passenger when the SUV we were in was struck by a semi.
I didn't realize how bad I was hurt even while calling 911. I told EMTs to get my friend out, as he was at impact site, I didn't understand why they wanted to extract me so badly. After they got him out, I looked down and realized that I couldn't see my leg.

Fortunately it was still attached but was crushed by the center console. My leg was broken, but also I had a tibia plateau fracture with a lateral component. Basically my knee was broken.

There was a mistake at the hospital and they misdiagnosed it as a contusion. They said the swelling would go down but I'd be fine. The swelling didn't and the pain didn't. The leg had gone completely numb and I went to a different ER where the above was revealed.
The swelling had been there for days and the damage was done. They released the pressure and swelling then I was prepped and rushed into surgery.

In the end, due to the state of the accident I was awarded a liability disbursement. It didn't even cover half of the surgery. I have no health insurance, I'm drowning in debt, I need physical therapy, I may need a second operation, I need to see a neurologist for the nerve damage, I've been out of work and I've literally run out of things to lose.

GoFundMe helped me once before and I hope it can do so again.

Henry Walsh
Nicholls, GA