Jackie & Ruben May U Rest in Peace
(above the Beautiful Jacqueline Contreras)
(below Jackies 16yr old son Ruben Contreras)
Fatal Car Accident in Apple Valley
34yr old Jacqueline Contreras and her 16yr old son Ruben were tragically killed in a car accident in Apple Valley. The incident was reported on Tuesday Sept.19th 2017 just before 6pm. According to Apple Valley Sheriffs Station, Jacqueline and Ruben were in a saturn traveling northbound when they failed to yeild for a 2way stop when they were struck and T-Boned by a truck headed westbound that had no stop. The impact caused the sedan to roll multiple times which then the car landed top down in a neibors yard. (above the beautiful Jacqueline Contreras)
Identified as Mother and Son Jacqueline-Ruben Contreras
Jacqueline Contreras mother of 4 leaves behind 3
young children Emily (13), Jesse Jr (10) and Jaylene (8). (above Jackie & her 4 Kids Ruben,Emily,Jr and Jaylene)
Nearby witnesses ran over and helped turn the wrecked saturn back on its wheels. Ruben Contreras, Jackies oldest son was passenger in the fatal accident and was pronounced dead at the scene. Rescuers pulled the driver Jackie Contreras from the vehicle and she was transported to the emergency room at St. Mary Medical Center in Apple Valley, where she was later pronounced dead.
(Above Ruben with his Grandmother)
I will carry in my heart many memories of the Loving, Caring, Advise Giving, Always Happy and Smiling No Matter the Situation Jackie who truly lived for the happiness of her 4 children forever. I am at a complete loss for words when i think of the Kind, Outgoing, Always Willing to Help, Shy at Times Ruben who at 16 was just starting to experence Life, Relationships and the Freedom to find out who he was, what he liked or disliked and what path he was going to venture on in this one life he was given that ended so soon.
(Jesse Jr, Jaylene, and Emily)
I am mother to 9 year old Nadine Rodriguez. Jackie was Nadines Aunt and Ruben was her cousin. I had to be the one that broke this tragic news to her, how do you explain to a 9 yr old that tomorrow is never promised to anyone and that only God knows why people leave at the times they due. It was the most painful conversation ive had with her.... To me this is still a dream and by the quite blank expression Nadine held im almost certain its a dream to her too. So with discussion Nadine and I decided to make This Page not only to help the Contreras family with funeral costs but also to help the 3 Beautiful children that are now without a Mother and Older Brother Emily, Jesse Jr and Jaylene. So Please Donate Share the Link Pass On the Message Because ANYTHING can and will help Thank You and it is very Appreciated.