Hoofdafbeelding inzamelingsactie

Private School Funding For Jackson

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Our Angel, Jackson, is in dire need of private schooling this fall (starting August 14th!).

Jackson is a very social 10-year-old with Down Syndrome and mild to severe hearing loss. He has been diagnosed with intellectual disability, although adults who have worked with him say that he is "a bright little boy." Since last spring, he has regressed terribly and needs the help of knowledgeable, experienced professionals―and we have found a private school that can help with all of his major issues! We are very worried for him in several areas: unintelligible speech, re-emerging toileting issues, and new behavior episodes. The needs are becoming urgent. We have been warned that as he approaches adolescence, unless he makes significant progress in being understood, the difficult behaviors will be exacerbated.

Jackson has enormous desire to speak and be understood. At dinner with his parents and two brothers, he regularly gives "speeches," explaining things in detail―and we can't understand a word. The private school we have found offers expertise (and a track record of success) in all areas Jackson needs right now. In particular, the school focuses on the intensive training needed to teach kids how to use a programmed tablet (iPad) to communicate. (Jackson has shown aptitude for this.) We know it will probably take years of speech therapy for Jackson's speech to be understandable, but with the skilled training they offer at the school, we have every reason to believe that Jackson will be able to speak to us and the rest of the world through the tablet for now―and return to being the happy child he once was.

Thank you for reading this. Jackson is such a great blessing to us, we wish each of you could meet him! We are grateful for any financial gift you could give to help Jackson move forward in his life and reach his full potential.

God bless.


Wyndi Elizabeth Geren
The Colony, TX

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