Joshua's Medical Fund to Fight DIPG
Joshua M. was a healthy, active & sweet 11 year old boy until recently when a few seemingly innocuous symptoms resulted in testing that revealed a sinister tumor in his brain. The resulting diagnosis has left the family, community and of course Joshua himself shaken, scared and shocked. DIPG is a rare and very lethal form of pediatric brain cancer. The immediate and extended family of their beloved Joshua had to endure the words nobody ever wants to hear. "Your loved one has a terrible form of brain cancer."
Beginning tonight, February 10, 2016, Joshua is undergoing immediate radiation treatments for the next 6 weeks. At the end of this time, the doctors will evaluate what will come next. These treatments and all of the transportation and various other expenses that go along with them add up quickly and the family is in need of financial assistance. The treatments will enhance Joshua's short term quality of life immensely and without them his body will degenerate much more quickly.
Many of Joshua's family, friends and members of the community have expressed a want and/or need to help. The most immediate need right now is for critical funds to cover these crucial radiation treatments.
We all want to make a difference. Right now, the most efficacious way of making a difference for Joshua and his family is to take your feelings of helplessness, hope, sadness, anger, shock and confusion and turn them into action by making a donation today. All proceeds from this campaign will go directly to Joshua's immediate medical care.
If previously donated funds are no longer needed for Joshua's care, all remaining funds will be donated to defeatDIPG.org , a foundation committed to furthering the study of this nefarious cancer, researching better methods of treatments and hopefully one day improving survival rates and finding a cure.
There is no way to express the family's gratitude for your generosity. However, please know that you will be making a difference in Joshua's life by making this donation, and for that they are grateful beyond expression.
On behalf of Joshua and his family, I thank you sincerely.
Bradley Egel
Cancer charity & family advocate