Keepin' D Funky Fundraiser!
**The description below was written by Tuesday Quesenberry, D's daughter**
As most of you have heard, my dad (Rev. Funky D or Animal) was taken to the ER at St. Anthony's hospital on June 22nd due to severe abdominal pain where a CT scan revealed a large mass in his lower intestine. Dad has undergone a litany of tests which revealed that he has Stage II Colon Cancer. Last week, surgeons removed a significant sized tumor from his colon. We are now awaiting results that will determine whether or not the cancer has metastasized. We are optimistic that we will receive good news but we are also preparing for whatever the results may be.
**UPDATE - as of 6/30, D and his family received word that he has Stage 3 Colon Cancer. He will be undergoing chemotherapy once he heals from surgery
As you can imagine, this is a very hard time for Dad and our family. He has been unable to work most of the month of June and it's looking like it will be quite a bit longer until he is back on his feet. Thankfully, a bunch of you chipped in and raised $1,756 to help during the recovery time for his hernia operation. He has had to use a good majority of those funds to cover the bills for the work he has had to miss this month. My dad's wife Nova is doing her best to hold it together while at the same time taking care of my two little sisters. But it's getting pretty tough and I'm helping as much as I can.
I know it seems that there is a fundraiser for everyone and everything these days. Dad does not feel comfortable asking for money, particularly from a community that doesn't have much more than love to give in the first place. Because he is unable to do so, I'm reaching out to all of you to ask if you can please help our family. Even if you are unable to help financially, please check in on Nova to see if she needs help with anything. An offer to cut the lawn, help with laundry, a ride to the grocery store...every single bit of your kindness will help.
Thank you from the top to the bottom of my heart,
Tuesday Quesenberry