Brett's Kidney Transplant Fund
I was diagnosed in November of 2016 with stage 5 kidney failure. It has been a really long and difficult road. It started with a two week hospital stay that had it's own difficulties. I had a kidney biopsy that caused me to bleed from my kidney for several months. It took several trips to the hospital to get the bleeding under control. I was also hospitalized last Christmas for a bleeding urethra caused by multiple catheter. I was able finally get past those two hurdles. Come February of this year I had a peritoneal catheter placed in my abdomen so I could do home dialysis. I had to go back in March to have it adjusted unfortunately it did not take. So they scheduled to have my catheter adjusted again in April. Well one day before my appointment I was rushed to the hospital for pancreatitis. The Doctor decided to adjust my catheter and remove my gallbladder at the same time the next day. Everything went great and my catheter is working properly. Things have been going great and in July I was able to meet with transplant team. I was given a list of paper work to send in and dental work to be done. I have gotten most of the dental work done and when it is completed I will be put on UNOS and accepted in the transplant program hopefully. I am getting close to being able to recieve a kidney transplant. There are a few more things left to complete and one of those is to raise money for expenses after transplant. I have to have the money for food, meds, bills and a 5-7 day hotel stay near the hospital after the surgery per rules of the hospital and transplant team. I have to drive to Charleston S.C. from Irmo S.C. for several months. Which is a 120 mile trip each way. Without this money I can be passed up for a transplant. So if you could find it in your hearts to donate it would be a great blessing for my family and I. Thank you and god bless.