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LOVE Palestine

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Hi guys!

In the next few months I will be travelling to Palestine to volunteer in the West Bank with LOVE Volunteers. I will be involved in both a Permaculture project and working within a refugee camp. 
Since the occupation of Palestine began in 1948 with the creation of the state of Israel, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have been forced from their homes and land into either neighbouring countries or refugee camps. This mass relocation of people and restriction of movement and rights has created many different problems for the Palestinian people both economic and humanitarian.
The Permaculture project based on a farm in  Bustan Qaraaqa just outside of Bethlehem aims at ameliorating some of the problems faced by Palestinians due to the ongoing economic pressure of life in the West Bank. By implementing Permaculture principles the project aims at counteracting environmental degradation and economic restrictions giving the locals access to food and materials and restoring a sense of independence and dignity back to the community.
Due to the occupation thousands of Palestinians have been displaced from their lands and for decades have been living in refugee camps in the West Bank. The Deheishe Refugee Camp is one such camp where the LOVE project is based in conjunction with a local NGO Karama Palestine. 

The camp was founded in 1949 on an area of roughly 1 square kilometre within the city boundaries of Bethlehem in the West Bank. Socioeconomic conditions in the camps are generally poor, with high population density, cramped living conditions, inadequate basic infrastructure such as roads and sewers and very limited access to education and healthcare.
Volunteers in the refugee camps provide education through English lessons, arts and crafts, sports, teaching computer skills or creating activities around themes like human rights which are important for the development of the children.
I am fundraising for both of these projects, looking at raising approximately $7500 which will be split between the two projects. Unlike large organisations that have overheads to manage, ALL of the money raised will go directly towards the projects. Personally this is a real drawcard, knowing that all of the money donated will go directly to the cause. The funds raised will go towards the upkeep and running of the farm and providing the children in Deheishe with books and other educational materials.

If everybody that receives this link donates $10 ( a couple of coffees, a pint of beer...) and shares the link with one other person who does the same we will have reached the $7500 goal in no time, and if that goal is exceeded even better!

Regardless of how much money is raised I will have a beautiful and rewarding time in Palestine, however it would mean so much more to be able to contribute a significant amount of money to both of these projects and help some people really in need.


Rohan Estol Ball
Surrey Downs, SA

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