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Liberty Coalition 4 Disaster Relief

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Hi, I'm Brent DeRidder from Hampstead, NC. I'm a founding member of the Liberty Coalition for Disaster Relief (LCDR). LCDR is currently raising funds to provide relief to those impacted by recent storms. We have coordinators on the ground in Texas that are local to the area to help make sure these funds are provided directly to the people who need them. That includes Texas gubernatorial candiate, Kory Watkins, who has temporarily suspended his campaigning efforts to assist in the relief efforts. Mr. Watkins will make sure your donations are be used, most immediately, to provide much needed food and supplies to victims of this storm, and later, to assist in rebuilding efforts.

LCDR was created to allow liberty advocates an opportunity to BE THE ANSWER to the common question "Without government, who would...?" We are a large group of liberty advocates from all over dedicated to being a free market disaster relief solution. 

"Without government, who would help Texas?" The answer? We will. Please, if you can donate a few dollars to help those impacted by this terrible disaster, do so. If you can't, please consider joining  and helping to coordinate our efforts virtually.


Organizador y beneficiario

Brent DeRidder
Hampstead, NC
Kory Watkins

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    Tus donaciones están protegidas por la Garantía de donaciones de GoFundMe