Honduras Educational Mission Trip
Donation protected
I am excited to announce that I have been selected to serve on a Christian mission team to Honduras. In January of 2017 our team will spend ten days in a remote village within the mountains of Honduras. Hosted by a small rural community, we will live among them, learn about their culture, and assist in building a community center. I am truly humbled to be selected for this opportunity to explore God’s creation and learn within a culture significantly different than my own.
I write to you to ask for your support. Opportunities such as this require an immense amount of planning, coordination, and financial support. While our Christian mission team is blessed with many private donors to offset the cost of building materials and community supplies, we are responsible for funding a portion of the trip. It is my intention to raise $1,500 in order to serve on this team. I need your help, and I hope the subsequent paragraphs give insight into my reasons for serving, what we’ll do while we’re there, and what I am committed to offer in return of you support. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our mission trip.
But why Honduras? Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in this hemisphere. More than 50% of the population is under the age of 18 and one of every five children dies of malnutrition. More than 65% of the population lives under the poverty level, and the average per capita income is less than $5,000 a year. Crime rates within major cities are rapidly rising due to gang related violence. Although farming is the primary vocation throughout the country only 10% of the land is farmable. And of that land, the government controls nearly 70%. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch caused massive damage to the country, destroying almost 70% of its infrastructure. Honduras has never fully recovered.
So what will we do for ten days in Honduras? And how will I be challenged? During this mission trip, our group will be working with Heifer International to build a community center within a remote community outside of Copan. The new community center will be used in a variety of ways—from education to worship, from agricultural training to community meetings. Not only will we assist in the building of the community center, but we will also help the community to hire an engineer/contractor to ensure the building’s long-term stability.
In addition to the building project we will supply toys, books, games, education materials, and instruments for the children. For women we will gift basic cooking and cleaning utensils as well as hygiene and personal care products. For the men we will gift tools and basic building supplies.
I write to you to ask for your support. Opportunities such as this require an immense amount of planning, coordination, and financial support. While our Christian mission team is blessed with many private donors to offset the cost of building materials and community supplies, we are responsible for funding a portion of the trip. It is my intention to raise $1,500 in order to serve on this team. I need your help, and I hope the subsequent paragraphs give insight into my reasons for serving, what we’ll do while we’re there, and what I am committed to offer in return of you support. I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our mission trip.
But why Honduras? Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in this hemisphere. More than 50% of the population is under the age of 18 and one of every five children dies of malnutrition. More than 65% of the population lives under the poverty level, and the average per capita income is less than $5,000 a year. Crime rates within major cities are rapidly rising due to gang related violence. Although farming is the primary vocation throughout the country only 10% of the land is farmable. And of that land, the government controls nearly 70%. In 1998, Hurricane Mitch caused massive damage to the country, destroying almost 70% of its infrastructure. Honduras has never fully recovered.
So what will we do for ten days in Honduras? And how will I be challenged? During this mission trip, our group will be working with Heifer International to build a community center within a remote community outside of Copan. The new community center will be used in a variety of ways—from education to worship, from agricultural training to community meetings. Not only will we assist in the building of the community center, but we will also help the community to hire an engineer/contractor to ensure the building’s long-term stability.
In addition to the building project we will supply toys, books, games, education materials, and instruments for the children. For women we will gift basic cooking and cleaning utensils as well as hygiene and personal care products. For the men we will gift tools and basic building supplies.
Daniel Locke
Columbia, SC