The Official Michael Jackson INNOCENT Campaign
Donation protected

*Please Refer To The 'Updates' Section On The GFM Page*
Latest Update Posted Apr 6th 2020
Feb 2019 - The Beginning
In response to the propaganda film #LeavingNeverland, I decided to come up with the idea of having adverts placed on the sides of British buses, showing support for Michael Jackson, both in London and around the country.
Firstly, it's important to know this. I do not believe that Michael Jackson was ever guilty of the allegations against him because I like his music or appreciate his artistry. I do not believe he wasn't capable of the crimes alleged, because after a few beers I think I can master the Moonwalk.
Like countless others within the MJ Community and society in general, we would not think twice in turning our backs on his legacy if we for one second felt that there were any truth at all in these heinous events, especially being a father myself.
The truth is, I am genuinely more interested in principles, and the moral wrong that has overcome media outlets recently, in their attempt to vilify a dead black father and drag his life's work and reputation through the mud - based on seriously questionable declarations from people who stand to gain a lot financially from their untruths - and I don't only mean the two proven liars featured in the film, but also the puppet masters holding their strings.
So, in relation to the London buses - they are iconic and instantly recognisable across the world. Ensuring that our adverts are captured in this way offers the public an opportunity to discover another side of the story, one that's been conveniently omitted from the Channel 4 film.
The buses will provide passers by with the chance to take pictures and share on social media, promoting the genuine belief that there is a huge group in society that believe and know Michael Jackson is INNOCENT.
Please see the 'Updates' section above to discover where we are up to with the campaign.
To ensure complete transparency, all questions you may have throughout the process can be directed below:
Twitter: @Seanykane
IG: Seanyokane
I am so proud of everyone's continued support so far, and blessed to be part of this magical and diverse community. If you're feeling extra generous, please consider making a donation to Taj Jacksons proposed rebuttal film to the Leaving Neverland fiasco here.
Like us, Taj need's all the help he can get in ensuring his campaign gets off the ground.
Seány and the #MJINNOCENT Team

Fundraising team: MJ's ARMY (3)

Seány O'Kane
MJFFC (Steven)
Team member
Anika Kotecha
Team member