Clubhouse Ghana Mental Health Rehabilitation!
Donation protected
Clubhouse Ghana is the First-Ever Clubhouse-franchised Rehabilitation Center in Partnership with renowned Clubhouse International, headquartered in New York: http://www.clubhouse-intl.org
The organization presently has over 322 Clubhouses or Rehabilitation Centers across the Globe!
All donations given on this GoFundMe page will go towards saving lives and adopting patients. Every amount raised will be quantified to assure the donors of the specific amounts that will be utilized to take care of a patient's transportation, feeding, apprenticeship costs, training or actual rehabilitation, so that each donor knows exactly where their money is going to.
Essentially, donors can even keep in touch with the patients that they have supported financially and keep track of how their donations are used by the organization.
Clubhouse Ghana will ensure that patients that are admitted into the Accra Psychiatric Hospital, Pantang, Ankaful or elsewhere; in a medical facility will transition safely into a Rehabilitation Center that will teach them life skills in order to prepare them for the “outside” world.
The Rehabilitation Center will offer the Ghanaian FREE Basic SHS education that will help patients get the equivalent of a GED education as evidenced in the U.S.; or a certificate of merit that will enable them to learn carpentry, trading, plumbing, IT, and other fields of interest in order to independently support themselves.
Individuals at a more progressive level that are functional in private facilities like North Ridge Hospital or Korle Bu Teaching Hospital will be allowed to come into the Clubhouse to go through therapeutic sessions that will alleviate the level of trauma and distress that they have had to endure due to the stigma attached to all Mental Health Conditions in Africa at large.
Invariably, the functional patients will be given an inner sense of self-pride, resilience and tenacity to face life’s challenges head on (even after being in crisis mode).
Indeed, Mental Health is a true menace and it still remains as a worrisome plague shrouded by stigma and ignorance in our present culture and terrain.
Our Ghanaian community needs to focus more attention on Mental Health and support Clubhouse Ghana as it continues to champion the cause publicly in order to sensitize individuals on the importance of Health and Wellness and Emotional Stability. We need to pay critical attention to the menace but also do our best to save our unfortunate brothers and sisters who happen to have fallen victims to the disease and varying conditions.
On 1st August, 2022, Clubhouse Ghana was officially listed as one of 322 Clubhouse-Franchised Rehabilitation Centers in the world under the auspices of Clubhouse International www.clubhouse-intl.org
Clubhouse International invited the Clubhouse Ghana CEO and Founder, ML Brookshire to Speak at their World Seminar from 17th to 22nd September, 2022 after honorably acknowledging Clubhouse Ghana as the "First in West Africa". With this great feat, Clubhouse International pledged to support our local Ghana Rehabilitation Center to gain Accreditation and continual Sponsorship.
Clubhouse Ghana is spearheaded by its "tenacious CEO and Founder" as quoted by the Clubhouse International article https://clubhouse-intl.org/what-we-do/international-directory/?lt=country&country=Ghana when the organization finally got listed on the global accredited list and website.
The most rewarding partnership that Clubhouse Ghana has developed is with Rotary Clubs in Ghana, Houston, Texas and India. Please donate to this worthy cause and possibly adopt a patient as we work together to eradicate the stigma of Mental Health in Africa and the world at large!
Clubhouse Ghana Founder; endorsed by the Saxophonist, Kenny G:
Master P
Cedric the Entertainer
First Lady of Ghana, Her Excellency Rebecca Akufo-Addo attended the 2nd Movie Premiere in Africa for the awesomely inspirational movie, "Becoming the Keys" featuring Global Public Speaker, ML4Lyfe Group CEO, InfoSec and Consummate Brand Marketing Strategist, Mona Lisa (ML) Brookshire née Blay-Miezah in support of The Clubhouse Ghana Rehab Center:

Dear family of Mental Health Advocates, thank you for supporting our DREAM of building and establishing the First-Ever *Rehabilitation Center* in Ghana for MENTALLY Challenged individuals. Our goal is to raise funds towards this laudable project by asking for AS LITTLE AS a dollar (or even a CEDI) for your individual contribution as we continue to bring this vision to fruition.

Please feel free to safely use your credit card on this GoFundMe page to document your contribution because the Foundation is a verifiable 501(c)(3) organization that will allow each donor to receive portions of their charitable donations back; including tax write-offs.

In 2019, our CEO was featured as the only black female African in the Award-Winning Self-Help movie, "Becoming the Keys". Please visit the following website listed: www.thekeymovies.com to find out about her role in the movie, NOT as an Actress, but as a Coach / Panel Expert.

Our Founder can be reached anytime at the Corporate Office at [phone redacted] and/or +233 244 425 405; and she will be glad to answer any questions that you may have about the Objectives, Cost structure and Overall Strategy in place for the recent establishment of Clubhouse Ghana

We are ecstatic about what the future holds for us all; and we dedicate this project to the many nameless, faceless individuals that hide behind the shroud of a Mental Health impairment in its ravishing wake!

Thank you in advance for your support as we work towards this goal for 2022. Take good care of yourselves and/or others that may be afflicted with a Mood and/or Mental Disorder.
Thank you for your interest.
REVEAL: The Clubhouse Ghana building and infrastructure will have a unique emphasis on a Wall of Fame as well as a Walk of Fame; where the names of every single donor (regardless of denomination or amount given) will have their name engraved in the floors and walls of the entire facility!
"A Legacy Project, indeed for all of us to ensure that no individual will ever be lowered or devalued or debased for the simple fact that they have experienced depression, anxiety or any other chemical imbalance (Mood ... Bipolar) or Mental ... Schizophrenia) and/or other Mental conditions.
Ride and 'Surf' the 'Wave' of Inclusion with Clubhouse Ghana today; because there is a 'Sea' of opportunity, gratification and fulfillment that awaits!!!
Google Verified Business: http://g.page/ClubhouseGhanaRehabilitation
Self-Help and Mental Health Movie Exploits / Premiers endorsed and attended by First Lady of Ghana, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, Master P, Cedric the Entertainer, Kenny G etc.
Homelessness story with Joe Vitale of "The Secret" fame.
Ebony Magazine feature: Page 108
"Far better is it to DARE mighty things, to WIN glorious triumphs, even though checkered [or diminished] by failure ... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not VICTORY nor DEFEAT". ~Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt

Please Watch the Self-Help video trailer: https://vimeo.com/305791326
ML is at 1:45 seconds into the trailer
U.S. Feature: https://www.lasvegasnow.com/news/-becoming-the-keys-star-ml-brookshire-attends-vegas-premier/1799269651
Official Red Carpet Premiere Event Video can be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/Zo8FWMuWZIE AND
U.S. Press Release for the Red Carpet Movie Premiere held on Thu. 17th Jan. 2019: https://www.expertclick.com/NRWire/Releasedetails.aspx?id=166261
Ghanaian Press Release: https://ameyawdebrah.com/mona-lisa-brookshire-blay-miezah-featured-in-upcoming-inspirational-film-becoming-the-keys/
To God be the Glory! Shalom!
Fundraising team: ML4Lyfe Clubhouse Fundraising Team (3)

Katy, TX
Patricia Ghansah
Team member
Samuel Boaten
Team member