Masks of Courage
Tax deductible
Colombia is one of the countries with most acid attacks around the world, a reality that nobody acknowledged until 27 March 2014:
The day when the whole country froze as they watched on the news a video of Natalia Ponce de León being attacked. This attack was declared the worst acid attack registered in Colombia given the seriousness of the injuries, which on several occasions brought Natalia to the brink of death.
In April 17, 2015, Natalia proved her courage when she appeared for the very first time before the media using a Mask; and from that moment on this mask became the symbol of her fight against acid attacks.
Natalia started to work for the rights of victims creating a foundation and such was her determination to change history, that she persuaded Congress to create a law that punishes acid attackers with up to 50 years in prison.
But even then, the attacks continued and the aggressors weren’t being pursued.
We couldn´t leave Natalia alone in a fight that should be everyone’s. We should rally together to make this a government priority worldwide.
THE LAST MASK #nomásmáscaras
A campaign against acid attacks, that makes everyone wear a mask, so that no one would have to wear one again.
OUR STORY: We are a unique gallery space located in Brooklyn, New York, used to host fundraising fine art exhibitions at absolutely no cost. In Spring 2016, we are presenting a Fine Art Group Exhibition in which original works will be sold and auctioned to benefit the Natalia Ponce De León Foundation, a Colombian organization that supports acid attack survivors and works towards the end of acid violence. We have also partnered with the Mahendra Singh Foundation, an organization that helps girls and women survivors of gender based violence, overcome their obstacles and achieve their potential.
OUR GOAL: Our exhibits attract more attendees each year, but we depend on your added support to make this happen. Our goal with this crowdfunding campaign is to raise $5000 to build the exhibition and present the donated art-works. Donations that exceed the goal will benefit the Natalia Ponce De Leon Foundation. www.fundacionnataliaponcedelon.org
SPRING 2016 EXHIBITION: “Masks of Courage: Defying True Identity” is a Fine Arts Group Exhibition that challenges the collection of attributes that define how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. The exhibit will take the viewers through a journey that separates the sense of self worth from external attributes of identity, to ultimately confront them to the reality acid attack victims experience. Identity answers the question: Who am I? And It is not as obvious as one might think. What happens when we take it away? Who are we then?
THANK YOU! We hope that we can count on you to help support our cause. With your donation you will become an advocate working towards ending acid violence and supporting acid attack survivors.
*Gallery House is a Program of DGT Foundation. NY State Charities Bureau Registration # 450261. For more info visit: www.galleryhouse.org
The day when the whole country froze as they watched on the news a video of Natalia Ponce de León being attacked. This attack was declared the worst acid attack registered in Colombia given the seriousness of the injuries, which on several occasions brought Natalia to the brink of death.
In April 17, 2015, Natalia proved her courage when she appeared for the very first time before the media using a Mask; and from that moment on this mask became the symbol of her fight against acid attacks.
Natalia started to work for the rights of victims creating a foundation and such was her determination to change history, that she persuaded Congress to create a law that punishes acid attackers with up to 50 years in prison.
But even then, the attacks continued and the aggressors weren’t being pursued.
We couldn´t leave Natalia alone in a fight that should be everyone’s. We should rally together to make this a government priority worldwide.
THE LAST MASK #nomásmáscaras
A campaign against acid attacks, that makes everyone wear a mask, so that no one would have to wear one again.
OUR STORY: We are a unique gallery space located in Brooklyn, New York, used to host fundraising fine art exhibitions at absolutely no cost. In Spring 2016, we are presenting a Fine Art Group Exhibition in which original works will be sold and auctioned to benefit the Natalia Ponce De León Foundation, a Colombian organization that supports acid attack survivors and works towards the end of acid violence. We have also partnered with the Mahendra Singh Foundation, an organization that helps girls and women survivors of gender based violence, overcome their obstacles and achieve their potential.
OUR GOAL: Our exhibits attract more attendees each year, but we depend on your added support to make this happen. Our goal with this crowdfunding campaign is to raise $5000 to build the exhibition and present the donated art-works. Donations that exceed the goal will benefit the Natalia Ponce De Leon Foundation. www.fundacionnataliaponcedelon.org
SPRING 2016 EXHIBITION: “Masks of Courage: Defying True Identity” is a Fine Arts Group Exhibition that challenges the collection of attributes that define how we see ourselves and how others perceive us. The exhibit will take the viewers through a journey that separates the sense of self worth from external attributes of identity, to ultimately confront them to the reality acid attack victims experience. Identity answers the question: Who am I? And It is not as obvious as one might think. What happens when we take it away? Who are we then?
THANK YOU! We hope that we can count on you to help support our cause. With your donation you will become an advocate working towards ending acid violence and supporting acid attack survivors.
*Gallery House is a Program of DGT Foundation. NY State Charities Bureau Registration # 450261. For more info visit: www.galleryhouse.org

Åsa Maria Camnert
Brooklyn, NY
DGT Foundation