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Monntel West's Piano Fund

Spende geschützt
Monntel West was waiting for a friend at the Lansing Mall and decided to sit down at the piano. Lansing resident Sara Hadley recorded his performance, posted it to Facebook, and it went viral!

Here is an article from USA Today.

He says that he has never had lessons, but that he is interested. We have reached out to him and offered some FREE music lessons from Okemos Music Academy!

Okemos Music Academy has offered to cover the cost of the first 2 months of lessons, but let's not stop there! For every $120 raised Monntel can have 4 more weeks of music lessons.

We would love to see Monntel be able to continue his music education at Okemos Music Academy as long as he would like. We would love if you showed your support too.

If we raise enough money we would love to be able to purchase a piano for him, too!


  • Anonym
    • $10
    • 9 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

John Dewey
Okemos, MI
Monntel West

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