Mount Kili & Anago - Such Potential
Imagine being raised in an environment where you do not feel safe at home - some, most or all of the time. Imagine the one(s) you turn to in time of need not being there when you need them most. I was raised in a similar atmosphere where both of my parents struggled with alcohol. Almost every weekend, they turned to alcohol and it often times got violent. When sober, they were amazing! When intoxicated...not so much so. (As an aside, my mother passed away a number of years ago from cancer and I'm proud to say my dad for several years now rarely consumes alcohol!) I am not perfect, but I was fortunate to find what I consider the right paths in life. Unfortunately, many in similar and varying related circumstances do not. Being a police officer in London, Ontario, I sadly see the results of this far too often.
I am currently a board member for a wonderful non-profit organization that provides young males who've found themselves in conflict with the law, opportunities to learn that life does not have to continue down this path. Anago operates both King Street Detention Centre and Genest Detention Centre in London (among services for other vulnerable individuals within London and other surrounding communities) and strives to provide a safe and therapeutic environment for all. www.anago.on.ca
A couple years ago, I had a life-changing experience after my wife paid for a skydive for me (silly me for mentioning I'd like to try it ). Jumping from a plane 8000' in the sky (and surviving), made the inspirational statement of "being able to do anything you want in life" a reality for me. After that, I thought "what next?"! After meeting a couple people who had climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, I then started thinking about tackling the challenge. With the support and encouragement of my wife, I committed to the challenge of climbing and summiting the 19,341' high mountain in Africa...in January 2017.
Realizing that we're all faced with many mountains throughout our lives - some more difficult to climb than others - I am incorporating this fundraising initiative with my climb for Mount Kilimanjaro. Any amount you are able to donate will support Anago with providing more opportunities for these young males in hopes that they too can get on the right track in life and conquer any mountains they are faced with.
With appreciation,
Ken Steeves
Twitter: @Lifesgood911
Anago (Non) Residential Resources Inc. is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency (charitable registration #: 11908 0422 RR0001). A tax receipt will be provided for any donation exceeding $20 upon request and receipt of your full name and mailing address. Please send request to [email redacted].ca.