URGENT! Help RESCUED wild horses!
Rescued back from the Slaughterhouse yard the WY14™ Project moves forward
You can help the Herd of wild horses rescued back from the slaughterhouse stay in the rented 300 acre Eco-Pasture Sanctuary where they graze, heal and live in this great natural setting. Your donations go directly make a difference for the WY14™ Herd. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation now: https://www.gofundme.com/MustangPasture8-16 Their board is due August 1st!

In 2014 Mark Boone Junior and I rescued EXCALIBUR and the other members of the WY14™ from being slaughtered abroad! Sadly young horses are live-shipped to Asia for foal sashimi--a delicacy : (
Today their group board on 300 acres of Eco-Pasture is $2,500. That's about $170 per mustang. GFM/FG takes about a 10% fee so the WY14™'Herd needs $2,750. total.
ALL the money raised goes to pay the August Eco-Pasture board. We are 100% volunteer--no salaries. Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Now that we are officially a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we are looking for grants to
cover preservation program costs like this until the Eco-Sanctuary is ready. Meanwhile the WY14™ need your help to stay in the rented Eco-Pasture.
The WY14™ Herd has formed bands and they are healing from the trauma of the roundup. They are healing from loss of everyone in their herd--over the age of 2--who were slaughtered for human consumption abroad.

The WY14™ Herd is very grateful their friends are helping them. They send you their love and blessings.
With loving kindness,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
501c3 Non-Profit Organization TAX ID: 464516347
Mission: The American Wild Horse Institute is devoted to the education and preservation of American wild horses.
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705

You can help the Herd of wild horses rescued back from the slaughterhouse stay in the rented 300 acre Eco-Pasture Sanctuary where they graze, heal and live in this great natural setting. Your donations go directly make a difference for the WY14™ Herd. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation now: https://www.gofundme.com/MustangPasture8-16 Their board is due August 1st!

In 2014 Mark Boone Junior and I rescued EXCALIBUR and the other members of the WY14™ from being slaughtered abroad! Sadly young horses are live-shipped to Asia for foal sashimi--a delicacy : (
Today their group board on 300 acres of Eco-Pasture is $2,500. That's about $170 per mustang. GFM/FG takes about a 10% fee so the WY14™'Herd needs $2,750. total.
ALL the money raised goes to pay the August Eco-Pasture board. We are 100% volunteer--no salaries. Your donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Now that we are officially a 501c3 nonprofit organization, we are looking for grants to
cover preservation program costs like this until the Eco-Sanctuary is ready. Meanwhile the WY14™ need your help to stay in the rented Eco-Pasture.
The WY14™ Herd has formed bands and they are healing from the trauma of the roundup. They are healing from loss of everyone in their herd--over the age of 2--who were slaughtered for human consumption abroad.

The WY14™ Herd is very grateful their friends are helping them. They send you their love and blessings.
With loving kindness,
Anne Novak
Volunteer Executive Director
501c3 Non-Profit Organization TAX ID: 464516347
Mission: The American Wild Horse Institute is devoted to the education and preservation of American wild horses.
P.O. Box 5661
Berkeley, CA. 94705

Anne Novak
Berkeley, CA
American Wild Horse Institute